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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. 1 hour ago, Federer91 said:

    Setting aside the Sprints debacle, the people at Dorna have also fumbled the calendar.. Why have these people put half the calendar in September - November :facepalm:  I don't know what genius thought, that only 3 races in April-May is good, when this is the best period. Spring-summer is the most exciting period in the motorsport season, after the long winter layouts. By September things are winding down and when October hits people are switching their interests to other things and are just waiting for the end of the season. 3 of those Asian races could have been slotted in the March-May period easily.

    Well, all these Far East races can't be held in April-May since this is the monsoon period AFAIK? Japanese Grand Prix used to be held in April in the 90s and it rained literally every other year :crazy:  Malaysia was either scorching hot or rain. Putting Argentina and COTA in April is actually reasonable enough. Austria used to be in the spring in the 90s but now the F1 Grand Prix isn't held in August anymore so they can't really stack up Red Bull Ring in back-to-back months? Adding a second UK race in May would make sense but it's not really happening since most UK riders are focused on Superbike racing these days.

  2. Lots of injuries during the first weekend in Portimao. Pol Espargaro crashed into the wall in practice, Enea Bastianini suffered a broken collarbone in the sprint after Luca Marini took him out and now Marc Marquez with a total bonehead move in the GP which took out Miguel Oliveira at high speed. Let's see if he gets a penalty for that one. Should be pitlane start since that was highly dangerous.


    Down in Moto3 Joel Kelso suffered a broken ankle after he crashed into the back of race winner Daniel Holgado after the finish line. He was busy taking down his tear-off visor and didn't look what was ahead of him :wacko:

  3. I don't remember the exact RR results however I have an impression curling is more competitive these days? How is :GBR looking w/o Muirhead though? I seem to recall there was a minor dust-up few years back that Muirhead got all the championship selections by default instead of some domestic prelims like they have in Canada?

  4. 16 hours ago, Grassmarket said:

    More details on the :BLR/:RUS ban:


    The Good News! Your doping suspension has been lifted!

    The Bad News! Your war suspension is beginning! 

    In hindsight I think this is a big win for Russia. Lifting that state-sponsored doping ban would always be the more difficult task and could have been extended indefinitely. Now it's gone and people don't notice it since the war is more important. After the war ends you will be Russians reinstated into competition and many people will wonder what happened with the doping ban.

  5. 1 hour ago, heywoodu said:

    Plus as far as I remember, the Torun events are often more than excellent, in terms of organization as well as atmosphere.

    It's kinda funny since Bydgoszcz has the big outdoor stadium which is basically the #1 facility for athletics in Poland (save for Chorzów for historical reasons) and Toruń has build the indoor athletics arena. Both cities are separated by like 50 km distance and they have a long-standing rivalry for exposure in the region :p

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