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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Not in your wildest dreams. When politics enters sport this is the shitshow that happens. And you advocate for political statements during Tokyo Games. Buckle up and get ready for more drama, my friend
  2. This is a global world, you don't have to buy drugs in the country where you live. C'mon, athletes travel all over the world these days. It ain't the 50s.
  3. Unless IAAF bans Kenya or Ethiopia from taking part in their events, these conspiracy theories will have a lot of oxygen to breathe
  4. Seems like you know perfectly well it's a politically motivated bullshit hence you're so sensitive on the matter. Moreover IAAF will do nothing about the Kenya doping and of course neither will CAS or IOC. There's no political gain of throwing Kenya or Ethiopia to the wolves since these countries simply don't matter on the global scale. Well, the Russian hackers have taken down the Alberto Salazar empire so I hope you won't pretend to be shocked when more Western athletes suddenly get exposed via the same route
  5. You should be a little sad. You wanted Russia banned for 30 years IIRC so 4 years is kinda soft Plus it's Russia who gets banned but not actually Russians
  6. Russia has operated that way since centuries. They will always blame others for trying to take them down. No way Russia has a full team in Tokyo, just no frickin' way. What's even worse, most of the world thinks Russia is the only doping problem in the world and everyone else is clean. Like I've said, watch out for these Russian hackers starting to uncover documents about Western athletes next. This will be a part of the "payback" campaign IMO.
  7. This goes back to my original question, how much money and effort is ARD or any other media willing to spend to track down the doping in Kenya and find evidence of state-sponsored doping to the extent of the Russian case? In my view - nowhere near as much IMO. I'd say they'll be happy to let Kenya and Ethiopia slide alltogether. These African countries are poor enough and have no global value beyond athletics, yes, their governments can look away and let the big money sponsors take over the sporting programme and maybe inject enough doping along the way. Sure, enabling these doping cases is very similar to Russia, the difference is Russia injects their own money & resources while Kenya & Ethiopia allow foreign investors to fund the whole ordeal. And they're supposedly less guilty or even not guilty of state-sponsored doping. Just because the money isn't Kenyan but from off-shore accounts or whatever?
  8. Just a name? Hell, then don't say a word someone makes the notorious Slovakia vs Slovenia jokes. Slovakia is also just a name, no biggie Let's go Czechoslovakia!
  9. Whatever. It's pure bullshit no matter how you look at it
  10. Russian presence in ski jumping or alpine skiing is minimal. I'd be shocked if they allow a single biathlete or cross country skier to compete in Beijing. Bolshunov & co. will watch the Games on TV
  11. That's the thing. We can't let the Kenyan thing aside. If Russia is banned from global events then Kenya should follow suit. And yet some people like dcro here claim Kenya should be let off the hook because they don't host global events. What kind of logic is that? Kenya hasn't even been thrown out of the IAAF events even though athletics is like 99% of their sporting presence. I wouldn't be so vocal about it if the same standards were applied for everyone but it's clear they won't. IAAF will look away and let all these Kenyans compete like nothing happened. Hell, they may even award Nairobi hosting the World Championships one day. Because she was banned from competing in Rio 2016 already. She remains based in Russia so it's natural they will ban her from competing in Tokyo again IMO.
  12. You really think someone like Lasitskene will be allowed to compete in Tokyo? Not in a million years, my friend
  13. Exactly my point, Russia is big & powerful and they hosted the Olympics so their punishment should me more severe than countries who aren't as rich and don't host any gobal events. It's the same crap like calling the alcohol in beer & whiskey different. If you drove under the influence of whiskey then we're taking your license but if drank beer then we won't. Yeah, it's fairly clear that Kenya can have hundreds of dozens doped atheltes and nobody wouldn't do anything about it because the country is not as powerful as Russia. Only confirms how political this issue really is. What a load of crap that is indeed.
  14. You are very naive. How much money & effort ARD put into uncovering the Russian doping case? I'd say quite a lot. How much effort does ARD or anyone else put into the Kenyan case? I'd say much less. Yeah, it's better to look away and pretend Russia is the only evil of this world
  15. Good try but neah... Your collonialist rule is over, my friend. France no longer dictates who should speak what in this world.
  16. Obviously they won't because they don't dislike Kenya as much as Russia for instance. It's all down to anti-Russian bias, there is no anti-Kenyan bias to speak of. Today is a huge win for the Western World, probably their biggest win since the post-Cold War communist block collapse.
  17. Is Kenya a state-sponsored doping too? Or because the country is poor their form of doping support doesn't count as statewide? I'm well aware the Westerners like you would only like to talk about DDR & Soviet Union (Russia) but it's not going to work, my friend.
  18. I see you're not even defending or pretending your case so I'm sure I was 100% correct on this one
  19. Please be more specific, two things, the anti-Russian bias in the West is also responsible for this. Nobody and I mean nobody gives a damn about single, clean Russian athletes. This is a collective responsibility like I ever saw one. At least you can stop pretending and making jokes about the big bad West and all that crap. I know how happy you are right now, well done, you've reached your goal, my congratulations. Now let's see if Kenya gets a widespread ban like that or will the Western world show them pity? I suspect the latter. There's one thing that will come out of this, the Russian hackers will try to expose doping among Western athletes in response. God knows how many things have been swept under the carpet in the West? The Salazar/NOP craze has crushed & burned already and it's only a matter of time when more skeletons start falling out. PS. I fully expect WADA & CAS going nuclear and kicking Russia out of the football Euro 2020 and the 2022 Qatar World Cup if neccessary. All bets are off right now.
  20. Pretty much the game of the season there. George Kittle is the true Gronkowski heir as the best TE in the league.
  21. Clinton & Obama did nothing to revoke these Medals either so?
  22. USA has awarded Medals of Honor for the Wounded Knee massacre. That's the ultimate kick in the teeth when it comes to "gallantry & life risk above the call of duty"
  23. I don't mean what Haecki gained but what other people lost which makes the difference
  24. Sorry I meant 2016/17. I still feel like that was her best season and some of 18/19 results were inflated due to people skipping the North American trip.
  25. Hacki's last season was worse than 2017/18 for whatever reason. Kamila Zuk has everything she needs to become successful, we even phased Krystyna Guzik out of the A team for both her and Kinga Zbylut to have a full crack at the World Cup. No excuses if she can't score Top 40 results on regular basis.
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