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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Kamila Zuk has pulled out of the pursuit due to a left calf strain
  2. I'd say Laegreid would have won. Bocharnikov lost a lot of time even before he pulled up on the stadium. From 10.9 km to 12.0 km he lost 10 seconds alone and that would have been the difference after the last shoot.
  3. Bocharnikov lost over 10 secs in one kilometer but wins by 6,7 secs. Laegreid and Bakken on the podium.
  4. Strolia with 10 misses Even Rastorgujevs only had six...
  5. And he's good to win.. Laegreid needed five.
  6. If someone behind him shoots clear that would leave him with what, 10 secs lead? Would be too tight for comfort IMO.
  7. Bocharnikov can miss one on the final shoot and still win...
  8. Oh, yes. I forgot about the FIS total points crap. The lack of all-arounders makes it almost extinct these days.
  9. Strolia and Rastorgujevs blow it on the 2nd shooting in the pursuit. Bocharnikov leads by 27 secs over Khalili at half-distance.
  10. With Ofterschwang off I don't see her coming back tbh. Though she can easily make up 200 pts on Brignone with the two slaloms left. Same goes for Vlhova obviously. If Brignone somehow still leads the overall before the Cortina slalom would she be allowed to start in the slalom there? She's 30 pts off Top 25 in slalom standings so she'd need a huge result in Are to qualify by default.
  11. Trump is the most Israel-friendly POTUS ever while Obama had some run-ins with Netanyahu IIRC. I'd say the US Jews will support Trump in a landslide.
  12. Warren has a better shot to beat Trump in heads-up poker than Sanders & Biden? I thought the same was said about Hilary Clinton and look how that ended. Women voting for another woman shouldn't be taken for granted after Clinton's failure.
  13. Somehow this is good news for Brignone. No way Vlhova would have made another silly error like in Crans Montana.
  14. What's the racial brakedown in supporting sociallism in USA anyway? I suspect Biden gets a lot of free black votes as Obama's VP but what if the blacks actually don't support sociallism strong enough to carry Bernie all the way to WH? Is this a genuine problem or the Dems count on a huge black majority voting in effect against Trump and not for sociallism. Elections have been about voting for the lesser evil a lot everywhere in the world. What if Trump is actually the lesser evil and ethnic minorities won't carry a strong enough vote to give Sanders the win in November?
  15. Joe Biden has knocked everyone out in South Carolina - 48,1% Bernie Sanders with 19,9%, Tom Steyer with 11,3%. Guess Biden retains the black vote with room to spare.
  16. The Polish Open in badminton scheduled for March 26th-29th in Krakow has been cancelled. This is the first sporting event in Poland that has been scratched due to the virus threat.
  17. Asphalt has been laid on the Zandvoort banking (19 degrees):
  18. People are usually scared of disease. Travelling masses of sport fans across the continent obviously fuels the fear. Nobody wants to find out whether he's prepared to face the virus because in most cases he's not. I'm not surprised Czech Republic acts this way tbh.
  19. Ledecka comes in 6th so Ortlieb has probably won this. The next best Austrian is currently 13th.
  20. Corinne Suter with a very good run. Okay, Nina Ortlieb suddenly found some mojo too! Just how far have Schmidhofer and Venier fallen off the pace?
  21. Valentina Semerenko is now the most accomplished athlete in European Championship history (7 golds, 3 silvers & 1 bronze). Just a reminder Eurosport will broadcast today's women sprint race live.
  22. USA really needs a third major party to make those fat cats think of something else. The two big parties either have a President or a majority in Senate/House of Representatives. So they always hold some kind of power at any given point in time. How often it happened that one party actually had all three offices under control? I guess not that often?
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