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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. It's about damn time Daria Pikulik got something done in the seniors after the Rio OG selection screwjob where she was chosen for the omnium ahead of a triple world champion AND another WCh medalist.
  2. Maybe it would have been different if Sky/Ineos/whatever poured money into this joint?
  3. I told him that several times but he thinks I'm the ignorant who knows nothing. Yep, he's like the classic USA, their way is the only right way and everyone else is wrong
  4. DQ for so takes the bronze medal. Hmm... some home cooking or was the DQ warranted? Apparently it was a hindrance on the range?
  5. The same thing happened here, mandatory work was obvious. My father never joined the party too therefore he couldn't advance into the senior control level at the mine (but he didn't want to). We had oranges once a year and bananas were unheard of either. Obviously I'm very glad these times are gone and Olympian1010 and his love for sociallism has absolutely no idea how it was in Czechoslovakia and Poland, he just talks nonsense we have no idea and he somehow knows better what communism looks like. Quite pathetic.
  6. Whatever. Guess the 45 years of Soviet rule in Poland was all a dream? Go sell the "sociallism is great" stuff to someone else. The entire Eastern Europe isn't buying what you are selling
  7. Poland doesn't need any imagination or research anymore. 45 years of Soviet rule gaves us - and Hungary, ex-Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania etc. - hard evidence on the matter. And we all decided to get rid of this wonderful system called communism
  8. Given Olympian's love for sociallism he'd be spreading the same propaganda if he was born few decades earlier IMO
  9. Sure, Poland has no idea what communism or sociallism is but a 20-year old American knows it better. I almost admire your naivety
  10. Denmark beating the WR to 3:44.XX is basically yawn material?
  11. I can give you this, younger generation has no idea what sociallism really brings to the table. Sanders will raise taxes on speed dial and this won't be enough, eventually not only the millionaires will have to fund his ideas like he promises and this is where shit hits the fan. Wasn't it Georg Hegel who said that one thing that people learn from history is that they never learn from history? And he inspired Marxism and Fascism come 19th/20th century? Sure, Sanders wants to "make communism great again" to paraphrase Trump's motto but is only heading into one direction. USA has never been ruled by a communist masquerading as sociallist but guess you are due this great honor Will Sanders cut NRA's unofficial reign? Doubtful. Will he stop the mass shootings from taking place? Probably not. If Sanders somehow becomes POTUS he will serve as the prime example why sociallism won't work in USA and will scare people off for decades (that's if he doesn't conk out in office first). Of course there is the subplot where Russian hackers want him to win the Dems nomination since he will be the easiest opponent for Trump's re-election. If that's the case then Sanders is a sitting duck. No way he can stop the online propaganda, fake news & hacking efforts.
  12. We're talking about Himalayan glaciers so tourism is the only thing that matters there. These people are dealt a specific hand and you can't change the environement or just about anything else. Freedom of information carries very little value, I mean what is there to hide among these 7,000 or 8,000 meter peaks?
  13. Somehow I don't think Marx had Bhutan in mind when talking about the proletarian revolution
  14. Communism has no right way, period Mao's industrialization was bound to fail in the 50s/60s just like it failed in the USSR in the 30s. World War II extended communism rule due to Stalin being the biggest winner of them all (outside USA who cashed in on the Lend & Lease act and suffered no internal damage within its borders). USSR had 35 tank factories build in the 30s. Who needs tanks during peacetime? This model of economy was a total failure without WWII.
  15. Yeah, communism belongs to academic or scholar discussions but not in real life anymore. It has been tested and it has failed no matter what the theory says. Thankfully we're over this crap in Poland and I don't care how sexy Bernie Sanders makes communism look in USA right now PS. You were the one who mentioned the Mao name first. I didn't mention a single name in my communist posts up until you did it. Political ideas in pure form are long dead. This is even more evident in the social media & fake news rule that we have today.
  16. I suppose this means Shiffrin won't return to action this season. With the coronavirus running wild in Italy I won't be surpirised if some home cooking allows Brignone to sit on the overall lead all the way through. Losing the Ofterschwang slalom hurts Vlhova's chances a lot.
  17. If someone wants to cherry pick the communism I'm OUT! 40 years of this bullshit in Eastern Europe should teach everyone what a waste it was. Guess Denmark needs a strictly communism regime to find out in reality how those Marx theories work Mao and Khruschov split in late 50s and Mao was scared of losing power on the heels of Cult of Stalin going downhill following Khruschov's speech in 1956. The LAST thing I will do is to debate whether the Great Leap and Chinese way was the "real communism" or better than USSR way. They were both equally worthless on the long run.
  18. Politics is no longer about ideology. Communism was the last system that tried to sell "ideology" as the driving force of the people. You can put Marx's ideas into museum, they are absolutely worthless these days when it comes to reality of the world. Even China runs a hard business line and has risen as economical power. Dare I say they are doing a lot better than during Mao's regime and the pure communist agenda. Communism succeeded when the imperial powers collapsed at the end of World War I. That was the high-water mark. Power to the people. Well, people have power these days instead of family-run monarchies so the ideals are not required anymore. Reality always verifies the theory and communism theory has failed massively in real life
  19. Right, who is going to believe in such baloney? The communist rebranding happened because it couldn't beat capitalism so it used its methods to rise in power as clearly evident by China's economy. Then again, we had this rebranding in the early 70s in Poland. The old communists who were even NKVD agents before WWII were finally run out of business and replaced by the new generation which called themselves "sociallists" But it was the same communist BS and come 1981 and the martial law everyone saw right through it again and the system was on it's way out which finally happened in 1989.
  20. Luiza Zlotkowska announced her retirement at the age of 33, exactly 10 years to the day of the Vancouver OG team pursuit bronze medal (which was a major shock). She basically didn't compete internationally after the Pyeongchang OG anymore and works as TV expert.
  21. @Olympian1010 Well, good luck in trying to make communism work in USA I see no point in talking about this rotten system after half of Europe got rid of it. If Bernie Sanders thinks he's reinvented the wheel that is his problem
  22. There are no double standards. Communism is downright evil. I don't know any of the Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe who want this system to make a grand return anytime soon. We might be negative towards EU sometimes but communism as the replacement? Never! You have no idea how bad this system is. You might cherish it on paper but in reality it's just horrible. Sadly, you have no idea what are you talking about. I suppose you're not gonna live in North Korea for an extended period of time anytime soon to see what the pros of communism really are? Whatever they are, the negatives outweight them by a ton and then some. It's not even the freedom of speech but food rationing or stores where you can only buy vinegar & mustard because there is nothing else there? If you like vinegar you'd love the choice here:
  23. Holy shithole! This can only come from someone who lived in a country that was never ruled by communism. Since you are a journalist, forget the freedom of speech. I thought the prime value for any journalist would mean something to you but guess not. Unless you'd be fine riding as the propaganda puppet Communism had a lot of propaganda involved until people just couldn't stand all the lies.
  24. I bet Astros pitchers will be head-hunting in revenge as well?
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