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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. I'm not sure Hojnisz can take Oeberg on skis... Simon looked tired all race.
  2. Gold for Wierer... Olsbu comes back to 2nd!
  3. Simon leads... meltdown on 4th shoot incoming? Herrmann blew it hard.
  4. Another miss for Olsbu. Seems like no 7th medal for her. Vittozzi 5 misses. Geez, the trash-talking blew up straight in her face...
  5. Wierer, Olsbu, Oeberg & Herrmann all missed. Some breathing room for the lesser names now! Vittozzi with 2 misses. Sigh.
  6. World Cup podium for Poland in luge! Not bad for a country that has just killed the bobsleigh program
  7. Negative reactions are more addictive than positive!
  8. Vlhova + 0,58 behind Brignone. She can make that up in slalom.
  9. Bassino was going even faster but goes off course!
  10. The we better get out of here and fast
  11. One thing I learned from Americans over the years is that they think they're the best in the world in absolutely everything. They've got the best economy, the best army, the best sport, the best movies, the best songs and of course the best politics. You are truly the ideally perfect American in every sense of the word!
  12. That's truly insane. And then you wonder why people are sick of politics and why the 2000 Florida elections was such a disaster You're basically voting for people you don't even know. At least you know the presidential candidates
  13. Easy Rider style. This would never fly in Poland Without an ID you're not getting a voting card no matter what.
  14. Even in presidential elections do you still vote for some local councilmen or whatever that is? The 2000 voting fiasco had like a ton of names on the card instead of just Bush and Gore. I always found this amazing what on Earth was that. In Poland there are no by-elections when the President is elected, just a list of names and then two names in the second round. Online voting remains prone to failure as evident by the app failure in Iowa. Imagine some computer glitch halting the voting state-wide? Democracy would look really stupid indeed not to mention some trolls could basically pull the proverbial plug and then things would look really bad. I bet this will happen one day sooner or later given how technology has run paper out of business.
  15. Yep, same in Poland. You can only vote in the place where you live here. In case you're traveling or having a holiday in another place on election day, you have to take a special paper from city hall to confirm where you actually live. Obviously you have to have an ID too.
  16. I don't observe grown men crying - even in sports. He could have done this 15 times before and I wouldn't have noticed Obviously I don't get backstage footage of the French team.
  17. Well, he didn't have a WCh gold in relay before. Last time France won was 2001
  18. Poland in 16th which matches our last WCh result. Lithuania in 24th (lapped)
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