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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. The country is getting more divided like all seasoned democracies do Biedron & Kosiniak-Kamysz got less votes combined than the far-right Bosak It's hard to imagine how Napieralski got 13,5% ten years ago and now the highly-touted Biedron collapsed below 3%. He can duly bogger off to European Parliament and stop wasting everyone's time. Obviously Kosiniak-Kamysz is the big loser. Polish society wants more of the PiS-PO showdown
  2. There are apparently five participants of the 1936 Berlin Games still alive. None of them won a medal in 1936 though. John Lysak (canoeing) Etsuko Komiya (athletics) Iris Cummings (swimming) Elda Cividino (gymnastics) Joan Langdon (swimming)
  3. Presidential elections in Poland today. Second round in two weeks time is highly probable though.
  4. Thankfully because of BLM nobody gives a damn about Hong Kong protests anymore so China will be happy
  5. Meh, Ron Artest changed his name outright Btw, no player will put 'Free Taiwan' name on its shirt for granted
  6. Harvick wins ahead of Hamlin. Christopher Bell gets a career-high 4th place. Between him and Reddick this was already a strong rookie line-up and it seems these guys are making noise early (even though Bell had a lousy start to the season).
  7. Green with rain drops still on the lenses. Brian Barnhart would be proud!
  8. Whomever uses EPO in 2019-20 is downright stupid. I believe his entire career was build on steroids but the really strict doping controls only came when the biggest fights arrived as well.
  9. So much for the new President ending the War on Drugs making any difference I mean how can people be so naive about it? The Sinaloa, Zetas & Gulf cartels keeps doing their thing. Pablo Escobar & the Colombians are glorified with these fancy TV shows while Mexicans are just stacking up the body count year after year. What else is new?
  10. Jarrell Miller has been busted for doping again. Time to ban him for life I believe.
  11. The production of Segway has been officially canned. I'm old enough to remember how this was touted as the "vehicle of the future" and there was a huge mystery upon its launch. Safe to say it's proven to be a total disaster. One might argue it's most notable moment in recent years almost ended in Usain Bolt injury
  12. DC is a Democrat dominated area for as long as I can remember. Even Walter Mondale won here with 85% after getting blasted everywhere by Reagan I checked back and the worst result for any Democrat Presidential nominee in DC was Jimmy Carter in 1980 - 74,9 % To say there's a possibility Democrats do well in this "state" is the understatement of the year GOP might as well don't enter any candidates here like they did in Deep South back in the segregation days. No way this bill ever gets passed unless Dems control both houses and have a sitting President as well.
  13. Yeah, GOP will never allow such cheap Democrat seats to become official Maybe Democrats should try with Puerto Rico instead?
  14. Well, are you surprised there are people who still dislike the "imperiallist America"? I'm not Fundamentalist islam is doing fine and well even in wake of 9/11 (and the fact George W. Bush is so heavily criticized for starting the War on Terror in USA). This narrative about Bush Jr being the worst US President actually helps the bin Laden martyrdom cause a lot IMO.
  15. It's old news now. Time for the Pocono double-header this weekend
  16. I don't. Censoring 'Gone with the Wind' as 'history lesson' is one thing but they quickly caved in when President of Mexico called them out. Oh, how the mighty have fallen
  17. Multi-event sports like athletics or swimming will never fall off the Olympic schedule. Both of them are ideal to create new global icons with several medals to be won. Two biggest Olympic icons of the XXI century - Bolt & Phelps - competed in these two sports. Coincidence?
  18. Winter season in the Olympics year is never a priority for these athletes. Big names will probably skip it if it goes ahead anyway.
  19. Yeah, now we get a truckload of Monday morning quarterbacks who pretend they figured out the hoax long time ago
  20. This could have been "handled professionally" without calling the FBI. Jumping the gun on the "noose" shows you how unprofessional this was handled by the progressives in particular who didn't bother to see the picture before coming to an obvious - and very wrong - conclusion that someone in NASCAR is trying to lynch the black driver. Total BS. All you need is common sense - or asking Wood Brothers. But who needs common sense when twitter mob tells you what's really going on. Even Wallace himself knows he has to soak up the embarrasement now given the tweet you posted. I'm pretty sure we won't hear about another "noose" incident in NASCAR in a long, long time.
  21. Well, you can't put anyone on hate crime trial for this so all you can do is laugh I suppose nobody will check facts next time someone cries wolf about "noose" in NASCAR though. All in all, a PR disaster for anyone who tries to dismiss NASCAR as racist organization. I want to know the name of the person who reported this "noose" though. Because this guy clearly lacked common sense. I wonder if he did it on purpose trying to boost BLM and Wallace's profile.
  22. I'm pretty sure we won't hear about another "noose" incident related to Wallace as long as he remains an active driver. From a PR stand-point this has been a total disaster for BLM movement
  23. This stuff makes Fake News king. There's nothing about an honest mistake a week after the Confederate flag ban. Someone was trying to fuel the BLM movement fire and boost Wallace's status by the looks of it. The timing of the flag ban & this complete failure of making NASCAR look like a band of lynching racists is no coincidence IMO. They called 15 FBI people for this? What was the FBI told in first place? Wood Brothers did a better job of exposing this hoax than FBI. I suppose there is some common sense left in people. Social media & twitter mob is the last place I'd look for common sense though.
  24. Here's the picture: It's actually next to the frickin' door. Wood Brothers occupied this garage in the fall 2019 race and they reported it's a pull door handle which blow up the case for the progressives. The original reports made it sound like the "noose" was hanging in the middle of the garage thrown over a ledge
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