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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Exactly, no points for Canada and Sweden, with Ireland being far seat from top
  2. I know its still way too early to call but I smell victory in the contest for Spain.
  3. Poland 1st China China 12 Greece 11 Malta 10 Spain 9 Mexico 8 Israel 7 Finland 6 Netherlands 5 Slovenia 4 Moldova 3 Italy 2 Lithuania 1 @Vic Liu wasn't correct with guessing but he will be happy anyway, thank you 😁
  4. Hey, in recent two contest I didnt give Greece any point, as far as I remember
  5. Poland 2nd Greece Greece 11 Malta 10 Spain 9 Mexico 8 Israel 7 Finland 6 Netherlands 5 Slovenia 4 Moldova 3 Italy 2 Lithuania 1
  6. Poland Good morning everyone, here is voting from Poland Dzień dobry wszystkim, o to głosowanie z Polski 3rd Malta 4th Spain 5th Mexico Malta 10 Spain 9 Mexico 8 Israel 7 Finland 6 Netherlands 5 Slovenia 4 Moldova 3 Italy 2 Lithuania 1
  7. Good start for Spain, I hope that they will have their Spain 12 this time
  8. Good morning everyone, I somehow made to wake up so early, for me, after three hours of sleeping, just for posting votes, TISC magic Good luck everyone and thanks @Wanderer for points
  9. In 6th August, first time ever Diamond League will take place in Poland, exactly in Chorzów
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