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Weightlifting Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games

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Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a Women's -59kg Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:ARM Armenia IWF Olympic Ranking Izabella Yaylyan
:AUS Australia IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Erika Yamasaki
:BOT Botswana IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Magdeline Moyengwa
:CAN Canada IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Tali Darsigny
:TPE Chinese Taipei IWF Olympic Ranking Kuo Hsing-Chun
:ECU Ecuador IWF Olympic Ranking Alexandra Escobar
:FRA France IWF Olympic Ranking Dora Tchakounte
:GER Germany  IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Sabine Kusterer
:GBR Great Britain IWF Olympic Ranking Zoe Smith
:ITA Italy IWF Olympic Ranking Maria Alemanno
:JPN Japan Host Quota Mikiko Andoh
:TKM Turkmenistan IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Polina Guriyeva
:VEN Venezuela IWF Olympic Ranking Yusleidy Figueroa
:VIE Vietnam IWF Olympic Ranking Hoang Thi Duyen
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Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a Women's -64kg Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:AUS Australia IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Kiana Elliott
:CAN Canada IWF Olympic Ranking Maude Charron
:TPE Chinese Taipei IWF Olympic Ranking Chen Wen-Huei
:COL Colombia IWF Olympic Ranking Mercedes Perez
:CUB Cuba IWF Olympic Ranking Marina Rodriguez
:ECU Ecuador IWF Olympic Ranking Angie Palacios
:GER Germany IWF Olympic Ranking Lisa Marie Schweizer
:GBR Great Britain IWF Olympic Ranking Sarah Davies
:ITA Italy IWF Olympic Ranking Giorgia Bordignon
:MLT Malta Tripartite Invitation Yasmin Zammit Stevens
:NCA Nicaragua IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Sema Nancy
:PHI Philippines IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Elreen Ando
:TUN Tunisia  IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Chaima Rahmouni
:TUR Turkey  IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Nuray Levent
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Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a Women's -76kg Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:BLR Belarus IWF Olympic Ranking Darya Naumava
:CMR Cameroon IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Jeanne Gaelle Eyenga
:CAN Canada IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Kristel Ngarlem
:ECU Ecuador IWF Olympic Ranking Neisi Dajomes
:GBR Great Britain IWF Olympic Ranking Emily Godley
:LBN Lebanon IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Mahassen Fattouh
:MEX Mexico IWF Olympic Ranking Aremi Fuentes
:NRU Nauru Tripartite Invitation Nancy Genzel Abouke
:NZL New Zealand IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Megan Signal
:KOR South Korea IWF Olympic Ranking Kim Su-Hyeon
:SWE Sweden IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Patricia Strenius
:UKR Ukraine IWF Olympic Ranking Iryna Dekha
:USA United States IWF Olympic Ranking Katherine Nye
:UZB Uzbekistan IWF Olympic Ranking Kumushkon Fayzullaeva
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Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a Women's -87kg Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:BRA Brazil IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Jaqueline Ferreira
:CMR Cameroon IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Clementine Meukeugni
:CHI Chile IWF Olympic Ranking Maria Valdes
:CHN China IWF Olympic Ranking Wang Zhouyu
:DOM Dominican Republic IWF Olympic Ranking Crismery Santana
:ECU Ecuador IWF Olympic Ranking Tamara Salazar
:FRA France IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Gaelle Nayo-Ketchanke
:MDA Moldova IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Elena Cilcic
:MGL Mongolia IWF Olympic Ranking Ankhtsetseg Munkhjantsan
:NZL New Zealand IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Kanah Andrews-Nahu
:KOR South Korea IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Kang Yeoun-hee
:ESP Spain IWF Olympic Ranking Lidia Valentin
:USA United States IWF Olympic Ranking Mattie Rogers
:VEN Venezuela IWF Olympic Ranking Naryury Perez
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Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a Women's +87kg Weightlifting.png.ddfabe926e59d2c32aa31a

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:AUS Australia IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Charisma Amoe-Tarrant
:AUT Austria IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Sarah Fischer
:BEL Belgium IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Anna Van Bellinghen
:CHN China IWF Olympic Ranking Li Wenwen
:CUB Cuba IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Eyurkenia Pileta
:DOM Dominican Republic IWF Olympic Ranking Veronica Saladin
:GBR Great Britain  IWF Olympic Ranking Emily Campbell
:GUA Guatemala IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Scarleth Ucelo
:INA Indonesia  IWF Olympic Ranking Nurul Akmal
:MGL Mongolia IWF Olympic Ranking (Continental Quota) Erdenebat Bilegsaikhan
:NZL New Zealand IWF Olympic Ranking Laurel Hubbard
:KOR South Korea  IWF Olympic Ranking Lee Seon-Mi
:TGA Tonga Tripartite Invitation Kuinini Manumua
:USA United States  IWF Olympic Ranking Sarah Robles
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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's continue here.


Qualification system:


Which countries have "recorded ten (10) or more ... violations of the 
IWF Anti-Doping Policy (IWF ADP) between the start date of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games period 
and the end of the Tokyo 2020 qualification period sanctioned by IWF or Anti-Doping Organisations 
other than Member Federations, National Olympic Committees or National Anti-Doping Organisations" ?



 Number of participants per country
Subject to the specific Anti-Doping Rules and Regulations, all NOCs/MFs shall be eligible to qualify a minimum 
of one (1) male and one (1) female athlete for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
a) Member Federations which have recorded ten (10) or more but less than twenty (20) violations of the 
IWF Anti-Doping Policy (IWF ADP) between the start date of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games period 
and the end of the Tokyo 2020 qualification period sanctioned by IWF or Anti-Doping Organisations 
other than Member Federations, National Olympic Committees or National Anti-Doping Organisations
shall be eligible to qualify one (1) additional male and one (1) additional female athlete, altogether a 
maximum of two (2) male and two (2) female athletes;
b) Member Federations which have recorded less than ten (10) violations of the IWF ADP between the start date of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games period and the end of the Tokyo 2020 qualification 
period sanctioned by IWF or Anti-Doping Organisations other than Member Federations, National 
Olympic Committees or National Anti-Doping Organisations shall be eligible to qualify three (3) 
additional male and three (3) additional female athletes, altogether a maximum of four (4) male and four (4) female athletes.



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  On 4/4/2018 at 8:14 PM, Dunadan said:

Let's continue here.


Qualification system:


Which countries have "recorded ten (10) or more ... violations of the 
IWF Anti-Doping Policy (IWF ADP) between the start date of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games period 
and the end of the Tokyo 2020 qualification period sanctioned by IWF or Anti-Doping Organisations 
other than Member Federations, National Olympic Committees or National Anti-Doping Organisations" ?





oh Great, there are only THREE sports we can win medal at the Olympics and they are making our chance less and less :wall: first IOC dropped a weight class, then IWF made the limit of max 4 per NOC and now this doping rule means we can't qualify more than 3 weightlifters :cry: right now we have FOUR former or current Olympic champions in our squad plus 3-4 more world medalists and only 3 of them can go to Tokyo :cry::cry:


I took a look and damn we have exactly 10 doping cases since 2009 :mad: we will lose a very important Olympic quota just because some stupid kids took drugs few years ago during the Asian Juniors thanks to one corrupt coach :( Iran had no positive cases since 2014 but well...


Kazakhstan already has more than 20 and Russia also will surpass that number when they announce the sanctions for re-analysis , same goes to Belarus and Azerbaijan. they can qualify only ONE weightlifter ! I'm a bit lazy to count for the rest. but it seems Armenia is also in danger.

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  On 4/5/2018 at 1:30 AM, MHSN said:



oh Great, there are only THREE sports we can win medal at the Olympics and they are making our chance less and less :wall: first IOC dropped a weight class, then IWF made the limit of max 4 per NOC and now this doping rule means we can't qualify more than 3 weightlifters :cry: right now we have FOUR former or current Olympic champions in our squad plus 3-4 more world medalists and only 3 of them can go to Tokyo :cry::cry:


I took a look and damn we have exactly 10 doping cases since 2009 :mad: we will lose a very important Olympic quota just because some stupid kids took drugs few years ago during the Asian Juniors thanks to one corrupt coach :( Iran had no positive cases since 2014 but well...


Kazakhstan already has more than 20 and Russia also will surpass that number when they announce the sanctions for re-analysis , same goes to Belarus and Azerbaijan. they can qualify only ONE weightlifter ! I'm a bit lazy to count for the rest. but it seems Armenia is also in danger.


Sure looks like the 2017 Worlds will be a good preview of the kind of competition we can expect...

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  On 4/5/2018 at 1:30 AM, MHSN said:

oh Great, there are only THREE sports we can win medal at the Olympics and they are making our chance less and less :wall: first IOC dropped a weight class, then IWF made the limit of max 4 per NOC and now this doping rule means we can't qualify more than 3 weightlifters


Why 3? If I understand correctly, with 10-19 doping cases, a country can qualify a total of 2 men (+2 women) ?


Anyway I counted and, as you said, KAZ, BLR, RUS, AZE, ARM will have 20+ cases including retests, while BUL, ROU, UZB, ALB, UKR, IND, IRI, MDA, TUR will have 10-19 cases.

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