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12 hours ago, Dragon said:

Professor Van Helsing is the man to do this...


Is that John McCain coming out of his grave to snatch Arizona away from Trump?

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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11 hours ago, Vic Liu said:

I am not pro Trump but there are huge amounts of Chinese pro Trump. I think the number is even more than pro Biden. The reason is that though Trump will continuously anti China, but he will do much more harm to US democracy, tearing up the US society and hurting and losing allies especially Germany, EU and South Korea. US will fasten the speed to give up the role of world leader and you guess who will grab the opportunity. Comparing those pros and cons, nationalist Chinese generally prefer Trump.


Those support Biden have the same reason as the rest of world. We want a more predictable world for financial market, industry, imports and exports etc. We want a stable life based the old world order not based on personal bias.

When I suggested some months ago that China would prefer Trump to stay in office, people disagreed. Chinese leadership must have enjoyed watching while America tore itself apart and pushed away all its allies. On the other hand I am sure that some countries would have liked to see the US starting another unnecessary war. It is much easier to create hate towards the US when they are bombing innocent people.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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10 minutes ago, dcro said:

Trump now has more votes than any other previous president.

Another sign why people saying "Biden got more votes than Obama in his landslide win, and all of that with tiny rallies...suspicious!" are just so incredibly dumb :d 


I mean, there's an insane turnout. Of course Biden is going to get more votes than Obama if he doesn't entirely waste the election.


Talking about the tiny rallies (which made sense, since holding big rallies is rather dumb this year)....I see we're missing a user who has been obsessed with that for the past few weeks and has been quiet ever since Biden started turning it around :p 


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6 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Another sign why people saying "Biden got more votes than Obama in his landslide win, and all of that with tiny rallies...suspicious!" are just so incredibly dumb :d 


I mean, there's an insane turnout. Of course Biden is going to get more votes than Obama if he doesn't entirely waste the election.


Talking about the tiny rallies (which made sense, since holding big rallies is rather dumb this year)....I see we're missing a user who has been obsessed with that for the past few weeks and has been quiet ever since Biden started turning it around :p 

True, but my point was mainly about Trump's popular vote. Which is higher than Hilary's by milions at this point.


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