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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2017

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Just now, OlympicIRL said:


I was more philosophical thinking it meant "go find yourself"..... deep!! Have any of us ever found ourselves, truly?


Only parts of us. For example, eyelashes in soup...

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Just now, heywoodu said:

Actually I have, I'm right here it turns out. 


Broaden your mind man..... don't think only of the physical.... try to find yourself

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2 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

That is gross abuse of power! Do that and I'll cheer of happiness every time Slovakia gets a goal against in that B-version of real hockey :evil:


I don´t even which part of this sentence pissed me more :d

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1 minute ago, Wanderer said:


Only parts of us. For example, eyelashes in soup...


Well it's certainly not the worst kind of hair to find in your soup :p


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Dobar dan, gdjegod bili, dragi članovi Totallympics-a. Konačno je došlo vrijeme da hrvatski žiri podijeli svoje glasove. Šaljemo vam najveće zahvale ukoliko još uvijek čitate naše, tek 34. po redu, glasove sa zanimaljem. Koga to uopće zanima ovako kasno? Bez daljnjeg odugovlačenja, bacimo se na posao.




Good day, wherever you are, dear members of Totallympics. Finally it is time for the Croatian jury to share their votes. We are sending you the greatest thank you notes if you are still reading our, 34th votes, with interest. Because, like, who cares at this point? Without further delay, let's get to work.






    New-Zealand-Flag-2T.gif?1355395656  New Zealand   10


    Ireland-Flag-2T.gif?1355391513  Ireland   9
    200015-2T.gif?1359710004  United States      8
    Indonesia-Flag-1.gif?1355391440  Indonesia   7
    Estonia-Flag-2T.gif?1355389392  Estonia   6
    Canada-Flag-2T.gif?1355385195  Canada   5
    Chile-Flag-2T.gif?1355385489  Chile   4
    Uruguay-Flag-2T.gif?1355404296  Uruguay 3
    Czech-Rep-Flag-1.gif?1355387516  Czech Republic 2
    Spain-w-Seal-Flag-2T.gif?1355399277  Spain   1


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1 minute ago, hckosice said:


I don´t even which part of this sentence pissed me more :d

The accusation of abuse of power? :p 


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i have one exam ohh plzzz forgive me  help me i love you  i lost the 1rst round of eurovision  vote for me save me ohh ohh


one real pompom girl

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