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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2024

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So just to avoid confusion: @Erigert I know it's your voting time in about 1 minute, but don't post your votes yet, we're still waiting for our host to be ready for the Dutch votes and after that it's your turn :p 

Edited by heywoodu


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Goedemiddag uit Nederland! De Nederlandse jury wil @Cinnamon Bungraag bedanken voor de zware, maar dankbare taak die velen van ons kennen: het organiseren van TISC! Bedankt voor, zoals altijd, een mooi evenement. We bedanken ook alle deelnemers voor hun inzendingen, het was weer erg leuk om te luisteren! Hier zijn de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury.


Good afternoon from the Netherlands! The Dutch jury would like to thank our host @Cinnamon Bun for the tough but thankful task many of us are familiar with: hosting TISC! Thank you for, as ever, a lovely event. We'd also like to thank all the participants for their entries, it was once again lots of fun to listen! Here are the votes for the Dutch jury.




:NED Netherlands :NED



:ARG  Argentina 10 
:SLO  Slovenia
:CAN  Canada
:GUA  Guatemala
:BRA  Brazil
:BUL  Bulgaria
:NZL  New Zealand
:GBR  Great Britain
:MDA  Moldova
:ESP  Spain


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:NED Netherlands :NED



:CZE  Czech Republic 11 
:ARG  Argentina 10 
:SLO  Slovenia
:CAN  Canada 
:GUA  Guatemala
:BRA  Brazil
:BUL  Bulgaria
:NZL  New Zealand
:GBR  Great Britain
:MDA  Moldova
:ESP   Spain


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1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

Goedemiddag uit Nederland! De Nederlandse jury wil @Cinnamon Bungraag bedanken voor de zware, maar dankbare taak die velen van ons kennen: het organiseren van TISC! Bedankt voor, zoals altijd, een mooi evenement. We bedanken ook alle deelnemers voor hun inzendingen, het was weer erg leuk om te luisteren! Hier zijn de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury.


Good afternoon from the Netherlands! The Dutch jury would like to thank our host @Cinnamon Bun for the tough but thankful task many of us are familiar with: hosting TISC! Thank you for, as ever, a lovely event. We'd also like to thank all the participants for their entries, it was once again lots of fun to listen! Here are the votes for the Dutch jury.




:NED Netherlands :NED



:ARG  Argentina 10 
:SLO  Slovenia
:CAN  Canada
:GUA  Guatemala
:BRA  Brazil
:BUL  Bulgaria
:NZL  New Zealand
:GBR  Great Britain
:MDA  Moldova
:ESP  Spain

I cant remember the last time Argentina receive votes from the dutch jury, thanks dude!!

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1 minute ago, konig said:

I cant remember the last time Argentina receive votes from the dutch jury, thanks dude!!

I remember last time there was a song with a really catchy trumpet-like start that then disappointed me (not sure which country), but this year's Argentinian song started in a way I really like and kept going nicely :cheer: 


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I think the Dutch jury has very often given 12 points to countries that end up rather high in the ranking, but this may be the - so far - lowest ranked country we've ever given 12 points to :yikes: 


Which I find sad, of course, because obviously they get 12 points because I like them the most :d 


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:NED Netherlands :NED



:JAM  Serbia 12
:CZE  Czech Republic 11 
:ARG  Argentina 10 
:SLO  Slovenia
:CAN  Canada
:GUA  Guatemala
:BRA  Brazil


:NZL  New Zealand
:GBR  Great Britain
:MDA  Moldova
:ESP  Spain




Tot zover de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury. We gaan de tweede helft van de competitie in en wensen iedereen nog veel plezier en een mooie middag of avond, tot de volgende keer!


That's it for the Dutch votes. We're getting into the second half of the competition and with that we wish everyone a lot of fun and a lovely afternoon and/or evening, we'll see you next time!


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