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Basketball at the Summer Olympic Games 2016

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4 horas atrás, intoronto disse:

Serbia being booed (while Canada is heavily cheered) every time they touch the ball, I am shocked


Now Canada being booed too lol



There was a heavy presence of fans from both teams, I was surprised (plus some americans from the previous match). In the end, I think most people were amazed by how Canada managed to win this match. Soon after, canadian fans went to Rugby finals nearby (I was there too). Overall, a incredible day for these fans :yes

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What a comeback by Croatia! Maybe...

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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I won't say referees decided the match but they were really bad. Nevertheless, there's no excuse that we made 6 technical fouls in 2 matches, that's probably the world record.

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Wow! My respects to the Aussie team.


Even if they lost, they managed to keep busy the Americans, proving once more that there is a "One and Only Dream Team": that of 1992 Olympics.

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