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Sailing ILCA 7 World Championships 2024


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:CHI:GUA:HKG:PUR:SAM:SGP:THA  already had the quotas from they continentals. If they win, this happens:




ASIA · :SGP quota goes to > :KOR (this Asian Games quota has priority over Asian Championships)

ASIA · :HKG or :THA quota goes to >  :MAS if they won too goes to > :CHN then > :JPN then > ( :KOR then >) :IND then > :BRN then > :UAE then is imposible more


NAM · :PUR  quota goes to >  :CAN then > :LCA then > :BER then > :USA then > :IVB then > :ANT  then is imposible more


SAM · :CHI or :GUA  quota goes to > :ARG then > :BRA  then > :ECU then > :ESA then > :URU then > ¿Last chance regata reallocation?


OCEANIA · :SAM quota goes to > ¿Last chance regata reallocation?

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Based on the results of the World Championship and Continentals, favorites for the 7 quotas should be:


1. :GUA (Juan Maegli) (Country already qualified)

2. :SGP (Ryan Lo) (Country already qualified)

3. :SWE (Emil Bengtson)

4. :DEN (Johan Lundgaard Schubert)

5. :MNE (Milivoj Dukic)

6. :IND (Vishnu Saravanan)

7. :ARG (Francisco Guaragna)




- :TUR (Yigit Yalcin Citak)

- :THA (Arthit Mikhail Romanyk) (Country already qualified)

- :SLO (Zan Luka Zelko)

- :MAS (Khairulnizam Mohd Afendy)

- :GRE (Dimitrios Papadimitriou)

- :LCA (Luc Chevrier)

- :ESA (Enrique Arathoon)

- :JPN (Kazumasa Segawa or Yoshihiro Suzuki)

- :PUR (Pedro Luis Fernandez) (Country already qualified)

- :CHI (Clemente Seguel) (Country already qualified)

- :HKG (Nicholas Brian Bezy) (Country already qualified)

- :CAN (Luke Ruitenberg or Fillah Karim)

- :BRA (Bruno Fontes da Silva)


Low Chances:


- :CZE (Viktor Teply)

- :BER (Sebastian Kempe or Campbell Patton)

- :SUI (Gauthier Verhulst)

- :CHN (Cui Yinsheng)

- :ECU (Matias Dyck Cordova)


Really Hard:


- :USA (Chapman Petersen)

- :ISR (Maor Ben Hrosh)

- :LTU (Vejas Strelciunas)

- :POL (Piotr Malinowski)

- :IVB (Thad Lettsome)

- :MON (Jeremy Moutout)

- :SAM (Eroni Leilua) (Country already qualified)

- :SRB (Nikola Banjac)

- :BAH (Joshua Higgins)

- :AUT (Clemens Kuebber)

- :BRN (Abdulla Janahi)

- :UKR (David Surkov)




My predictions:



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Olympic Quota Standings After 2/10 Races

:CHI 7 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Brazil)

:ARG 11 pts

:GUA 16 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Ecuador)

:CAN 17 pts

:DEN 18 pts

:MAS 19 pts

:MNE 20 pts



:TUR 22 pts

:ESA 28 pts

:HKG 30 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:SWE 31 pts

:GRE 32 pts

:PUR 33 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:IND 34 pts

:USA 37 pts

:SUI 38 pts

:SLO 38 pts

:CZE 43 pts

:ECU 44 pts

:JPN 45 pts

:BER 54 pts

:LCA 60 pts

:ISR 62 pts

:IVB 64 pts

:CHN 66 pts

:BRA 68 pts

:MON 71 pts

:LTU 76 pts

:SAM 85 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:BAH 86 pts

:AUT 87 pts

:SGP 88 pts

:THA 95 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:UKR 100 pts

:POL 102 pts


I believe the athlete from :BRN withdrew, can’t seem to find his name on the results list :mumble:

Edited by Josh
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Olympic Quota Standings After 4/10 Races

:CHI 10 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Brazil)

:GUA 21 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Ecuador)

:TUR 23 pts

:CAN 24 pts

:IND 24 pts

:PUR 24 pts (Continental Quota Reallocated to Saint Lucia)

:ARG 25 pts



:MNE 26 pts

:SUI 31 pts

:USA 35 pts

:DEN 36 pts

:MAS 39 pts

:SWE 39 pts

:HKG 40 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:SGP 42 pts

:THA 43 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:GRE 48 pts

:BER 52 pts

:ESA 57 pts

:JPN 58 pts

:CZE 61 pts

:SLO 62 pts

:BRA 67 pts

:ECU 73 pts

:LTU 74 pts

:ISR 81 pts

:CHN 83 pts

:LCA 86 pts

:IVB 88 pts

:MON 90 pts

:SAM 120 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:AUT 121 pts

:BAH 125 pts

:UKR 147 pts

:POL 150 pts

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Olympic Quota Standings After 6/10 Races

:CHI 33 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Brazil)

:GUA 35 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Argentina)

:IND 39 pts

:SWE 40 pts

:MNE 41 pts

:HKG 51 pts (Continental Quota reallocated to Malaysia)

:TUR 51 pts



:ARG 53 pts

:CAN 55 pts

:MAS 60 pts

:USA 65 pts

:PUR 69 pts (Already secured a quota but including for Continental quota purposes)

:DEN 70 pts

:SGP 72 pts

:SUI 73 pts

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58 minutes ago, Josh said:

Olympic Quota Standings After 6/10 Races

I think that you need to change this list according to allocations to Gold/Silver/Bronze Fleets. This means that all sailors behind Ryan Lo from Singapore already lost any chances to take the quota. 

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