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49 minutes ago, dcro said:

@hckosice will like the first one. :p



I like “Does Slovakia exist” :thumbup:


I’m 90% sure Slovakia is just a made up conspiracy by the Czechs :p

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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7 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

I like “Does Slovakia exist” :thumbup:


I’m 90% sure Slovakia is just a made up conspiracy by the Czechs :p

ah that famous US education system :d


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Talking about Slovakia, we officially call the country as "Slowakia" in Indonesian. However, many are more familiar with "Slovakia". International Relations students will usually more aware with this.


On the other hand, spotting 'Slovakia' hiding in articles about 'Slowakia' on government web pages is a fun game :p

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2 hours ago, Griff88 said:

Talking about Slovakia, we officially call the country as "Slowakia" in Indonesian. However, many are more familiar with "Slovakia". International Relations students will usually more aware with this.


On the other hand, spotting 'Slovakia' hiding in articles about 'Slowakia' on government web pages is a fun game :p


well, at least not Slowenia :d

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1 hour ago, heywoodu said:

That's how they call the Czech Republic :p

They are a bit unluckier.. People in Indonesia treat Czech Republic like Benedict Cumberbatch's surname, here are the variations:


Republik Ceko (official name in Indonesian)


Republik Ceska (from the Czech official name)

Republik Czech (when people are clueless with English)

Republik Cek ("Check" Republic - forced Indonesiazation (?) of the word "Czech)

Republik Cheko (add h because it is cool)

Republik Cekoslovakia (Cold War Nostalgia Syndrome/CWNS)

Republik Cekoslovenia (CWNS dumb version)

Republik Chechnya (uhh excuse me :facepalm:)

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The production of Segway has been officially canned. I'm old enough to remember how this was touted as the "vehicle of the future" and there was a huge mystery upon its launch. Safe to say it's proven to be a total disaster.


One might argue it's most notable moment in recent years almost ended in Usain Bolt injury :wacko:


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I think the only time in my life I've actually seen a Segway was at the race track in Zandvoort when, like other young fans, I was chasing autographs in the paddock and one Alessandro Zanardi (once in a lifetime chance to see him!) just raced by every hopeful face without even looking. The disappointment turned into a grudge in a matter of minutes and that hasn't changed since :p 


Apart from that, I honestly can't remember ever actually seeing a Segway :lol: 


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