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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2023

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15 minutes ago, Glen said:

I would like some extra hours after today's deadline to submit my votes please.

Not a problem. Please get them in as soon as possible though.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Official Announcement


There is just a little over six (6) hours left until the voting deadline. Quite a few jury members have asked for an extension, so one will be granted. I would ask that all jury members to try their best to cast their votes by midnight (PDT) Friday. I may offer a single day extension to Saturday, but let's not use that if we don't have to. Thanks :yes

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Official Announcement


I would like to announce some changes made to the Festival of Music format for this edition. Users will be invited to submit song(s) from their own nation, the host nation, or a non-competing nation that meet the themes as described below.


This edition of the contest will take place during a particularly festive time of year in California. There are many minor and major holidays celebrated in the autumn. As part of the cultural exchange of this contest, I'd like to celebrate two of my personal favorites with everyone. Users will be invited to submit a song (or two) for the following celebrations: Halloween and Día de Los Metros. I have provided guidelines for selecting submissions below.


Halloween: I'm sure many of you are now familiar with this holiday. Nonetheless, a simple explanation would be that people dress in costumes, traditionally scary or "spooky" creatures like witches, zombies, reapers, skeletons, werewolves etc. Children (and sometimes teenagers who have almost certainly aged out) then engage in "trick or treating" after the sun sets. This involves going from to house to house, asking the owners "trick or treat?" Most owners will offer a treat (candy or homemade goodies) to ward off a trick (prank or mischievous act). People might also carve pumpkins into "jack-o-lanterns" (homemade lanterns created from hollowed out pumpkins), go to a haunted house (a house or building you walk through where people try to scare the shit out of you), or attend costume parties (with candy and drinks supplied, of course.) It is celebrated on October 31st every year, although some festivities make take a place a few days before (parties and haunted houses) if it happens during the work week. In celebration of this holiday, users will be invited to post up to two songs with a scary, haunting, or "dark" theme (or something that explicitly celebrates Halloween) on October 31st. Reminder: You may choose a song by an artist from your own country, the host nation, or a non-competing nation. Please speak up if you have questions.


P.S. Users who are familiar with the tradition of Devil's Night are invited to "prank" us by posting an out-of-the-box song on October 30th.


Día de Los Muertos: This holiday migrated up the border with Mexico. I'm sure @mrv86 can explain it with much more detail than myself, but essentially, it is a joyful celebration in remembrance of family members and friends who have died. The popular animated film Coco is based on this holiday for those familiar with it. It has become more common to find people celebrating it in California over the last few years, especially on high school or college campuses. In celebration of this holiday, users will be invited to post up to two songs in remembrance of those who have passed away recently and/or long ago on November 1st and 2nd. You may choose song(s) they liked, a song that reminds you of them, or a general remembrance song. Feel free to write a short post explaining your choice. Again, you may choose a song by an artist from your own country, the host nation, or a non-competing nation. Please speak up if you have questions.


The schedule on first post of the thread has been amended in line with the new format. Thanks.

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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3 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Dios de Los Muertos: This holiday migrated up the border with Mexico. I'm sure @mrv86 can explain it with much more detail than myself, but essentially, it is a joyful celebration in remembrance of family members and friends who have died. The popular animated film Coco is based on this holiday for those familiar with it. It has become more common to find people celebrating it in California over the last few years, especially on high school or college campuses. In celebration of this holiday, users will be invited to post up to two songs in remembrance of those who have passed away recently and/or long ago on November 1st and 2nd. You may choose song(s) they liked, a song that reminds you of them, or a general remembrance song. Feel free to write a short post explaining your choice. Again, you may choose a song by an artist from your own country, the host nation, or a non-competing nation. Please speak up if you have questions.

You explianed  pretty good what kind of songs could be used in a "Día de los Muertos" themed contested, because "Dios de los Muertos" (God of the Dead) would be better celebrated with songs regarding Hades, Anubis and such underworld deities.

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We do not have any Holiday or special day the 11th here, a totally ordinary day, but instead a week later the 17th November is pretty much more important and is also a national Holiday in both Czechia and Slovakia (the Velvet Revolution and fall of Communism)

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34 minutes ago, mrv86 said:

You explianed  pretty good what kind of songs could be used in a "Día de los Muertos" themed contested, because "Dios de los Muertos" (God of the Dead) would be better celebrated with songs regarding Hades, Anubis and such underworld deities.

Sorry, my gringo brain has typed too much to realize that mistake. Apologies. It is, in fact, a Día de los Muertos themed festival.

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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