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Athletics WA World Championships 2023

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Yesterday we saw the 36 year old European men's 400 m record go. I think we're also going to see the even older 44 year old men's 200 m record go this week.

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16 hours ago, Rafa Maciel said:

BBC coverage keep banging the drum about how this is the most sustainable world championships ever and how the BBC is playing its part in supporting its green agenda - sadly it all rings a bit hollow given they have just flown a new presenter in from Australia. Not exactly burnishing their green credentials :lol:

I'm assuming lip service to 'sustainability' is a condition of the broadcast contract because it's one of Budapest and World Athletics big 'messages'. Beeb would be happy soldiers on this, it fits their self image too, but it all seems a bit tedious - not least as nothing but the abolition of international sport (and most other post industrial activity) is ever going to please the hardcore activists. If you're a sports administrator, understand, they aren't your friends - they hate your sponsors, they hate your building work on venues, they hate the international travel your athletes, coaches admins and fans do, and they aren't much fussed on sport in any event. You can't placate them, and their mates will try and disrupt your events every chance they get.


Environmental awareness is a good thing, I just hate performativity.

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