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Summer Olympic Games 2016 Uniforms


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1 godzinę temu, hckosice napisał:

and here the pics...



Richard Varga (Triathlon), Barbora Mokošová (Artistic Gymnastics), Danka Barteková (Shooting), Matej Tóth (race Walk), Peter Gelle (Canoeing Sprint), Martina Hrašnová (Hammer Throw), Erik Varga (Shooting), Marcel Lomnický (Hammer Throw)



Opening Ceremony suits









Medal Cermony Suits (Let´s hope we will use them):d




and ordinary clothes for the olympic village and daily life in Rio




Danka Barteková.


Zľava triatlonista Richard Varga, rýchlostný kanoista Peter Gelle a chodec Matej Tóth.


Looks pretty good:)

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9 minutes ago, vinipereira said:


Nice flexibility :d


It seems that is very common now to have a dance/acrobatic performance during the unveiling of uniforms.


well, it´s less boring than watching some peoples just walking around a fashion catwalk few seconds :d

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12 minutos atrás, hckosice disse:


well, it´s less boring than watching some peoples just walking around a fashion catwalk few seconds :d


It also shows the "efficiency" of the uniforms under athletic movements.


I quite like the slovakian uniforms. The one that Richard Varga is wearing is great, and the Opening Ceremony ones are quite good too. The only one that I don't think it worked that well was Marcel Lomnický's pants, but at least they bring something "bold" to the mix (ditto the red leggings for the women).

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41 minutes ago, vinipereira said:


It also shows the "efficiency" of the uniforms under athletic movements.


I quite like the slovakian uniforms. The one that Richard Varga is wearing is great, and the Opening Ceremony ones are quite good too. The only one that I don't think it worked that well was Marcel Lomnický's pants, but at least they bring something "bold" to the mix (ditto the red leggings for the women).


sure :)


Yes, I agree about Lomnicky´s pants and I actually don´t like those leggings too, but I don´t agree about Richard Varga, those socks are awful, horrible, disaster :lol:

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I'm so envious of all this, outfit for opening ceremony, outfit for daily life, outfit for going to the bathroom, etc


Our athletes only wear the one jacket they're given for all ceremonies and that's it :lol: obviously cuz our NOC directives still live in the cave ages and don't have a clue about PR/image stuff.

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On 4/27/2016 at 22:05, hckosice said:





and ordinary clothes for the olympic village and daily life in Rio







I hope these women are just there to present the ceremony where the clothes were shown? Or do they actually have to use these extremely tight "gymnastics pants" as daily life clothes? :yikes:

To be fair, it looks good, but I can't imagine competition clothes like that feel comfortable :d 


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On 4/27/2016 at 23:19, vinipereira said:


Nice flexibility :d


It seems that is very common now to have a dance/acrobatic performance during the unveiling of uniforms.

I think here in the Netherlands it will be a matter of posting 2-3 photos online and that's it :p 


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On 4/27/2016 at 20:46, hckosice said:

oh my ... the russian uniforms are terrible :yikes: what the hell is this? it´s like a retro USA NASA teams uniforms from the early 80. damn that´s extremely ugly :lol:



Am I seeing that right on the second photo on the left? A men's basketball uniform? :d 


I actually kinda like the colours :red:

It's something different than those "modern" fails like the Americans...I think it's pretty cool :d 


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