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Summer Olympic Games 2020 Broadcasters


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14 minutes ago, Mkbw50 said:

So Canoe-slalom is popular in Slovakia, or they get good results? I saw half their medals were in Canoeing during London, and in Beijing all their golds were in Canoeing.

It will be better on Eurosport, but you will have to pay, and I don't know if it will be in Slovak or not. You will just have to wait for PyeongChang.

The British commentary isn't that good either. Once during rowing, a Slovenian came up.

For the whole race, the commentator called him Slovakian, and was like "And here's Smith (placeholder name), the Slovakian"

"Doe leads from Michael, and then Smith the Slovakian is third. He's very popular in Bratislava, is Smith"

Sometimes, they have a generic commentator like Rob Walker or Sue Barker for lesser-known sports who has a co-commentator who is an expert, (who came 6th in LA 1984 in a Commie sport) but sometimes they just have a generic commentator who only knows basic stuff. The idea is that the commentator explains it to newbies, and the co-commentator is for seasoned watchers, but it doesn't work out that way.


Honestly, I wish I could see RTÉ's coverage, just to laugh at it. I bet they would have put shitty graphics everywhere (in the studio, graphiccs are controlled by OBS in races and if you were a fan of e.g. Wrestling, tough luck.) I bet at least, there wasn't a British flag to be seen like they piled everywhere on BBC with Brazil for the World Cup: Brazilian music, flag, beaches, women: everything. Even ITV were at it with the Brazil song. It would be funny to see someone who looks like he remembers the Easter Rising into saying stuff like "and as we the riders pass Buckingham Palace, one of the beautiful buildings which shows the amazing history of this wonderful nation, which was what the BBC were like anyway."


Here this video pretty much sums it up.... and believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg :d. Well actually, that was just a joke video but it might as well have been the real thing :d



RTÉ are shameful beyond words, just look at how they treat Eurovision year after year, making sure we send the worst possible "candidate" and openly stating that we can't afford to win so a place in the final will be a good result :d

Edited by OlympicIRL
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The sad thing is it is like that.

Will RTÉ have an online presence, or will they just show one or two events at a time?

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Their election coverage was quite poor as well... interrupting Michéal Martin to go to an advert break after just one question... imagine that on the Beeb with Jeremy Corbyn!

Something else I hate is their attempts to be "modern" like putting useless graphics everywhere that mean nothing... holograms and shite like that. Also the pro-Irishness in international matches: "And now it is England 36-20 Ireland, unfortunately" during the Six Nations pissed me off. Lucky you get (almost) all the British channels.

As now we come across the world
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18 hours ago, Mkbw50 said:

Well, just trying to help.


Here's a question. If you were broadcaster, and had exclusive rights, what and how would you broadcast it if you were in charge?


For me, I would just emulate the BBC's 2012 coverage.

All events can be watched live and on demand on telly or on internet, with the BBC Olympic Channels and online there are graphics showing stats and on-demand you can press a button for moments, e.g. a goal in football. Hopefully it will be as good.

Also, how will SBS transmit to North Korea? Presumably they will sell it to KCNA?

BBC coverage in 2012 was the ideal coverage...

I think it should be the model for all the Olympic broadcasters, always and forever...and instead it will remain just an unicum...

however, I hope that my satellite dish would help me to make up for the shameful rai coverage we have to face this time in Italy (once again, London 2012 with its 12-channel coverage by Sky Italia has been and will stay as an exceptional and unmatched situation)...

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Well here the rights for the Olympics have always been shared between our national broadcaster (BNT) and a private tv network. And for a long time that was Eurosport and it was a perfect combination. BNT aired mainly our athletes and of course many different things when possible and Eurosport covered the big events and their tradional sports. And here almost everyone has a cable package that has Eurosport, so even being paid wasn't a problem for watching the Olympics. But for Sochi and now Rio the private rights went to another provider and to watch the Olympics you had to switch your whole package to them and not only that but subscribe to their highest package, because thats where the sports channels were placed. So more or less you are left with the national broadcaster and just like in Slovakia, watching it there is a little torture. :d So i'm very happy that the rights go back to Eurosport (Discovery) and i fully expect them to sell a part (the umpopular sports with our athletes :d) to BNT and things to go like before. 

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3 hours ago, Mkbw50 said:

What is Rai's coverage like?

they have announced they're going to use 3 channels, 2 of them in HD and 1 only in SD...moreover, the main channel has to deal with the general news broadcasts at certain hours of the day (1 pm, 8 pm, midnight) that are basically untouchable (even at mid August, where usually nothing interesting happens)...

after that, we also have to cope with their reporters, who normally don't even know what are they talking about for most sports (there are just 2 or 3 exceptions) and with the fact that they generally show only the Italian athletes and very little of the main sports without Italian participation, but nothing of the less known disciplines nor team sports with no Italian teams on the field...

finally, nothing has been said about the on-line coverage, but we all know that they would just stream (with very poor quality) their terrestrial channels, without any additional feed...

our only hope is that the IOC channels on Youtube won't be blocked, as it was in 2012 (when at least we had the paid option of the 12 Sky Italia channels, where we could watch almost every event...option that this time doesn't exist anymore)...

basically, they make tv as if they were still in the '60s...:facepalm::wall:

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Could you be sneaky and change your computer's location to UK using VPN or Proxy?

As now we come across the world
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4 hours ago, Federer91 said:

Well here the rights for the Olympics have always been shared between our national broadcaster (BNT) and a private tv network. And for a long time that was Eurosport and it was a perfect combination. BNT aired mainly our athletes and of course many different things when possible and Eurosport covered the big events and their tradional sports. And here almost everyone has a cable package that has Eurosport, so even being paid wasn't a problem for watching the Olympics. But for Sochi and now Rio the private rights went to another provider and to watch the Olympics you had to switch your whole package to them and not only that but subscribe to their highest package, because thats where the sports channels were placed. So more or less you are left with the national broadcaster and just like in Slovakia, watching it there is a little torture. :d So i'm very happy that the rights go back to Eurosport (Discovery) and i fully expect them to sell a part (the umpopular sports with our athletes :d) to BNT and things to go like before. 

The good thing about this deal is yes you have to pay, but once you pay you get everything online, where as with a local broadcaster you get to watch a small amount, like people have said. So Eurosport is like BBC basically, just that you have to pay a bit.

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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