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Rhythmic Gymnastics FIG World Championships 2022

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  On 8/27/2022 at 7:37 PM, Bearas said:

Nominated entries:



Changes across multiple teams:



  • Group + 3 individuals: :AUS:AZE:CAN:CHN:KOR:UKR:UZB 
  • Group + 2 individuals: :BRA:BUL:ESP:FRA:GER:GRE:HUN:ISR:ITA:JPN:KAZ   
  • Group + 1 individual: :ARM:CZE:EST:FIN:GEO:MEX:POL:POR:TPE:TUR 
  • Group only: :VEN 
  • 2 individuals: :LAT:ROU:USA  


In total 62 countries:


  • Europe (37) - 59.68% 
  • Asia (13) - 20.97%
  • Pan-America (7) - 11.29%
  • Africa (3) - 4.84%
  • Oceania (2) - 3.23%


In total 234 participants:


  • Europe (141) - 60.26%
  • Asia (51) - 21.79%
  • Pan-America (30) - 12.82%
  • Oceania (9) - 3.85%
  • Africa (3) - 1.28%
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  On 9/12/2022 at 10:49 AM, Gianlu33 said:

Apparently Kaleyn is out from the WCh for covid+an injury :yikes:


Can't find such info. She had severe Covid recently, which hampered her training for the Worlds, but it was a few weeks back.

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  On 9/12/2022 at 2:19 PM, Federer91 said:

Can't find such info. She had severe Covid recently, which hampered her training for the Worlds, but it was a few weeks back.


Apparently it was an old interview (and that's explain Borjana's bad performance at last world challenger). Luckily she will be in :cheer:

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Atamanov got injured with a broken foot minutes before she was planned to start, she will be out for an estimated time of 6-8 weeks , Kaleyn was rushed to a hospital with high fever, wish them health and quick recovery 

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  On 9/14/2022 at 3:21 PM, JoshMartini007 said:

Did Boryana Kaleyn not compete? The live scoreboard isn't showing her result


Unfortunately no

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Yes, unfortunately Kaleyn is very sick, high fever with 39+ temperature and was pulled this morning. I don't know, if this is something that happened recently, or if the Federation had hopes she would be ok to compete and therefore waited until the final minutes before taking her out, but this late switch takes us out of the team competition, since we are left with only one individual competitor. @Gianlu33 must have deep informants, as he suspected something wrong with Kaleyn, when the federation was keeping shut until the very end. :d

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  On 9/14/2022 at 4:49 PM, JoshMartini007 said:

After two rotations the top 3 is :ITA :GER :BUL. The top 3 from the finals will qualify to the Olympics.


a country can qualify 2 girls individually?

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