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Italy National Thread


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Hello all,


I was looking at the cumulative world championship medals counts where Italy stands with 36 medals. Which might not being seen as good enough but is still much better than four years ago (24 medals)


So I was wondering if there was something behind it, something that could explain this uprise in the medals table (extra funding, new policies, new structures...) or in your opinion is it just all coincidental (better athletes with better luck)?

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37 minutes ago, De_Gambassi said:

Hello all,


I was looking at the cumulative world championship medals counts where Italy stands with 36 medals. Which might not being seen as good enough but is still much better than four years ago (24 medals)


So I was wondering if there was something behind it, something that could explain this uprise in the medals table (extra funding, new policies, new structures...) or in your opinion is it just all coincidental (better athletes with better luck)?


no, our budget is always the same (more or less) of the last few years (and it's quite a poor one, if compared to Nations like GB or GER or probably also FRA)...


most of those medals can be explained with the extraordinary results we got at the recent Acquatics Worlds (more than half of them come from that event...and we all know that some of them have been just a lucky coincidence -Katie Ledecky being sick at the beginnning of that event, Serbian men in Waterpolo competing with their C team after having previously earned the Olympic spot at the Home World Cup, Paltrinieri taking advantage of a bad day from Wellbrock and Romanchuk  in the 800m free)...


then we have the usual high number of medals from Fencing and Shotgun Shooting (even if only "minor" medals) and no Gold and also a few in Track Cycling (where we have a young and improving female team, who dominated the junior ranks for years and now are starting to show up also among the senior ranks) and in a new discipline like Karate...


plus those 3/4 random champions we have here and there (Rowing, Chamizo in Wrestling, the Nacra teams in Sailing, Kerschbaumer in Mountain Bike)...


basically, we can say that we have a couple of sports rising (Swimming and Track Cycling), a couple trying to keep up with the high hopes (Fencing and Shooting), the new addition (Karate) and a few random exploits...


we'll see if next year those disciplines can confirm (or why not? improve) themselves or if it's gonna happen what normally happens to the Italian sports...losing positions when it really matters...


p.s.however, it's 36 medals...but half of them being just bronze (and not set to improve, rather losing positions in 12 months) and only 6/7 being Gold (a couple of which are impossible to be confirmed)'s not such a good persepctive as it might look...

Edited by phelps
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à l’instant, phelps a dit :


no, our budget is always the same (more or less) of the last few years (and it's quite a poor one, if compared to Nations like GB or GER or probably also FRA)...


most of those medals can be explained with the extraordinary results we got at the recent Acquatics Worlds (more than half of them come from that event...and we all know that some of them have been just a lucky coincidence -Katie Ledecky being sick at the beginnning of that event, Serbian men in Waterpolo competing with their C team after having previously earned the Olympic spot at the Home World Cup, Paltrinieri taking advantage of a bad day from Wellbrock and Romanchuk  in the 800m free)...


then we have the usual high number of medals from Fencing and Shotgun Shooting (even if only "minor" medals) and no Gold and also a few in Track Cycling (where we have a young and improving female team, who dominated the junior ranks for years and now are starting to show up also among the senior ranks) and in a new discipline like Karate...


plus those 3/4 random champions we have here and there (Rowing, Chamizo in Wrestling, the Nacra teams in Sailing, Kerschbaumer in Mountain Bike)...


basically, we can say that we have a couple of sports rising (Swimming and Track Cycling), a couple trying to keep up with the high hopes (Fencing and Shooting), the new addition (Karate) and a few random exploits...


we'll see if next year those disciplines can confirm (or why not? improve) themselves or if it's gonna happen what normally happens to the Italian sports...losing positions when it really matters...


p.s.however, it's 36 medals...but half of them being just bronze (and not set to improve, rather losing positions in 12 months) and only 6/7 being Gold (a couple of which are impossible to be confirmed)'s not such a good persepctive as it might look...


Thank you for you detailed answer. I don't think it's only about budget, a change in general policy can make wonders also. Here in France and starting with this year, we are moving from a quasi sovietoid system to something new and hopefully much, much more efficient in the middle term.


I guess I've been interested lately in the general policy behind one nation performances. We need some japanese people to ask them how they've done it :mumble:


PS: yesterday night, I was listening to a sport scientist working for the french open water swimming team claiming that the Italian team had a a budget 10 times higher than the french one :yikes:

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Just now, De_Gambassi said:


Thank you for you detailed answer. I don't think it's only about budget, a change in general policy can make wonders also. Here in France and starting with this year, we are moving from a quasi sovietoid system to something new and hopefully much, much more efficient in the middle term.


I guess I've been interested lately in the general policy behind one nation performances. We need some japanese people to ask them how they've done it :mumble:


PS: yesterday night, I was listening to a sport scientist working for the french open water swimming team claiming that the Italian team had a a budget 10 times higher than the french one :yikes:


that's well possible...our swimming federation in the last 10 years improved a lot in both the technical and the financial mangement...and now iot's one of the richest federations in Italy (thanks mainly to the good results, as funding released by NOC is based mainly on that)...

and Open Water Swimming has always been well supported, it's never been the black sheep of the federation (probably because they were already winning world medals when our pool swimmers still used to struggle a lot even in the European context)...

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  • 4 weeks later...



Vittoria della nazionale femminile 6-0 contro la Georgia (qualificazioni Euro 2021), Martedì altra partita contro Malta.


Nota negativa: anche le ragazze sono scese in campo con l'orribile maglia verde :thumbdown:nonostante la FIGC aveva "promesso" un uso limitato ad Ottobre dell'assurda divisa voluta dallo sponsor tecnico...................


L'under 17 impegnata al mondiale di categoria raggiunge i quarti di finale dove troverà il BRASILE (Lunedì h 24:00 italiana), sperando di non rivederli in verde (già usato nella partita d'esordio....)

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Quarta medaglia ai Mondiali paralimpici di Dubai Oney Tapia, che sale per la prima volta su un podio iridato conquistando l’argento nel disco F11 dopo i due ori di Assunta Legnante (peso F11/12 e disco F11) e l’argento di Oxana Corso (100 T35).


Tutti e tre gli atleti hanno anche ottenuto il pass per le Paralimpiadi di Tokyo :yes

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  • 2 weeks later...

La Polizia di Stato ha pubblicato un nuovo bando per quanto riguarda l'arruolamento di 31 nuovi atleti. Ovviamente, come al solito, la maggior parte dei posti è gia decisa...


  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina atletica leggera con specialità nei 1.500 metri;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina atletica leggera con specialità nella maratona;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina canoa, specialità canoa canadese con distanza 200 metri;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina canoa, specialità kayak distanza 200 metri;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina canottaggio specialità “doppio”
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina ciclismo su pista con specialità in inseguimento individuale;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina ginnastica artistica con specialità nell’around;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina della ginnastica artistica con specialità alla sbarra;
  • due atleti (donne) nella disciplina ginnastica artistica;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina ginnastica ritmica;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina judo, categoria 48 kg;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina judo, categoria 73 kg;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina judo, categoria 81 kg
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina karate, specialità kumite di categoria 68 kg;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina motociclismo, specialità velocità motomondiale;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina nuoto, specialità staffetta 4x100 (100 metri stile libero);
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina nuoto, specialità 800 metri e 1.500 metri in stile libero;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina nuoto in acque libere con specialità distanza 5 km;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina nuoto in acque libere con specialità distanza 10 km;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina pallanuoto femminile, ruolo attaccante;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina pentathlon moderno;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina pugilato, categoria 69 kg;
  • atleta (uomo) nella disciplina rugby a 15, ruolo trequarti ala 11/14;
  • tre atleti (donne) nella disciplina pattinaggio su ghiaccio, specialità short track, distanze 500, 1.000, 1.500 e 3.000 metri a staffetta;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina snowboard, specialità slalom gigante parallelo;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina sollevamento pesi, categoria 64 kg;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina tennis da tavolo;
  • atleta (donna) nella disciplina del tiro a segno, specialità carabina sportiva tre posizioni (50 metri).
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