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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Well that varies individually from case to case obviously. I saw many peoples saying they want to return home, because in the country they are working, studying etc...nothing (or very few basic regulations) is done and they don´t feel safe like this student who said the locals don´t take it seriously, even the students had to force the closure of the school only by petition. He experienced his first real epidemiologic control only at the Austrian-Slovak border but there obviously also peoples that still want to stay in the Netherlands like this grl (Scroll down until - Veronika, Groningen (Holandsko)) She is living 8 months in and first time she even heard that it may be something big and dangerous was when she arrived to Slovakia for the last elections 29th February, until then there were almost no mention about it in the Netherlands. and still no one is panicking there and any radical measures are not considered - for now, but she added, this is pretty normal, as she knows the dutch peoples, they are too calm peoples who will not stop to go to restaurants or pizzerias in the town even if a genocide will start there ) and she said she will stay in Groningen especially because she got a job offer in Amsterdam where she will move in May
  2. Something you don´t see often I guess... Slovak citizens living in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium who asked our government to return home, officially : because "they do not feel safe in these countries actually and prefer stay in Slovakia" were repatriated by the state to Slovakia in the past hours by special buses and are placed in mandatory 14 days quarantine where they will wait for tests and now the thing.. in these 3 special hotels in the Tatras (belonging to the state) !!! They will pay only 13 euros for daily meals everything else is for free !. Anyone who will have a negative test will be send to home quarantine TV news Video shot here
  3. Unreal times we are living. Scary video from the Capital of Slovakia Bratislava past Friday. Last work day of the week when usually hundreds of thousands peoples travels home from their work or go to spend the weekend somewhere, the day when the roads are crowded with cars... but this Friday Almost no movement, no sign of a single smal traffic jam. Empty street. minimum cars. crazy, insane..
  4. It´s impossible to avoid. Basically every while various short alerts, announcements or state notices are broadcasted on all radios and televisions. There are notices about measures and how you should act everywhere. Cities and streets are empty, and the few people you can meet have masks. it is basically impossible to avoid it. you feel it everywhere.
  5. wow, that´s a bit early no ? I expected something around 23:00 or so
  6. Just asking to know +/- you are expecting the time for my final votes
  7. SVK Updates New NR for with 41 new confirmed cases So 174 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+41 Today !!!) the state is gradually repatriating our citizens living abroad. a special plane with our citizens living and working in the UK landed last night in our empty airport, several buses with Slovaks from the Netherlands, Germany or France arrived during last days as well. all now are placed to the mandatory 14-day quarantine in special state facilities across the country. Another special governement plane is schedulled for Wednesday to bring our citizens wanting to return home from the USA The repatriation is held under strict hygienic conditions, the pasengers are immediatelly transported by bus to the national quarantine facility Today was also the first day of the new government, After signing various inaugural mandatory contracts, treaties and resolutions to the hands of the president of the Republic Zuzana Čaputová the new cabinet already announced new measures and regulations to fight the spread will be presented soon. and the currenty fight against the virus will be the clear main point of the new governement actually. Good Luck ! Meanwhile the country is still in ghost mode, Saturday and basically empty streets
  8. That´s some seriously scarrying stuff now imagine we will present the same votes
  9. it looks like we will have a lot of time before our votes.. Just find out now how to spend our free time, do you have any idea ?
  10. and it´s official, the Ice Hockey World Championships 2020 in are cancelled. No more IIHF WCh programs this season, as all tournaments are now cancelled..
  11. Vladimir Zabrodsky (97) Ice Hockey and Tennis Arguably one of the best all times player. inaugural member of the IIHF Hall of Fame in 1997. Ice Hockey: 2x Olympian - 1948 (Silver) and 1956 (in the early 50s he couldn´t play for the national team because of the Communist party after The Communist government suspected players of trying to defect during the tournament in London 1950 and pulled the team from competition. Most players were charged and convicted of treason and sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Zabrodsky was the only one who wasn’t. Instead, he was merely banned from the national team for a period of time.) 2x World Champion 1947 (best player of the tournament, He scored 12 goals in a single game, in a 24-0 win over Belgium (including a record-tying five in the third period), and eight more in a 23-1 win over Romania.) and 1949 + 1 Silver 1948 + 1 Bronze in 1955) Tennis: Davis Cup record 5W-5L in Singles and Doubles (1948, 1955 and 1956) Zabrodsky defected to Sweden in 1965 under dire and dramatic circumstances. Using fake passports, he managed to escape with his family through Hungary, Yugoslavia, and on to his brother in Switzerland. Oldrich had managed to leave and play the last years of his career in Lausanne. Vladimir made his way to Stockholm and lived there the rest of his life. He coached club teams Leksand, Djurgarden, and Rogle between 1965 and 1971, after which he returned to tennis as a coach.
  12. Few days ago they broadcasted the legendary 1986 VSŽ Košice vs Dukla Jihlava The full Final
  13. One of the currently most popular Czech bands released a video clip and song - Dej si rouško - Wear a mask ! within the project we wear a mask - I protect you and you protect me Translated Lyrics in English
  14. Different culture, different habits, you´ll never understand ours I guess
  15. Indeed. There has been a long debate about it. unfortunately it was inevitable. The mandate of the previous government is officially ending today, and in order to maintain the continuity of the fight against the virus, the new government (crising stuff etc...) had to start immediatelly from today, and unfortunately according to our constitution it cannot happen without the constitutional opening pariamentary session meeting of today. once again peoples produce several face covering masks themselves, Thousands of people all over the country sew various masks and municipalities distribute them to citizens. even peoples nowadays offer them to their neighbors who are not so skilled in this for free, they just hung them on fences and neighbors or other people in need can take them you have several galleries links abou peoples who started sew masks
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