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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. yep this was their first ever appearance and they had only 3 guys under olympic flag (if i´m not wrog) but they were so incredibly happy, jumping and smiling, I remember this like yesterday, it was really great
  2. It was Sydney when the 3 athletes entered the parade of nations as penultimate country under the Olympic flag with the biggest smiles I ever seen in my life ? This one moment I remember the most from this opening ceremony, It was just excelent
  3. 2nd Death in Slovakia Just a couple of minutes ago the older woman who was under ventilation (the only person now) for some days sadly succumbed... RIP Now we have around 150 hospitalized patients, 3 in serious conditions none in very critical (ventilators) And a video for people speaking spanish from 2 students blocked in Slovakia, sending home informations
  4. From 1st April until yesterday it was 7094 in total (5 days) under the new regulation of massive testing of the population Before the numbers were lower since we didn´t have many tests. the massive testing started around 26th March with 972 tests that day, before it was around 400 +/- in average per day. In total it should be something around 16000 so far, first test was exactly 1 month ago the 6th March with 306 tests and 1st confirmed case (so-called pacient zero who returned from Venice)
  5. New NR in yesterday, 49 Confirmed Cases. BUT 34 of them are a group of returning people who arrived yesterday from South Tirol it seems that it was their own decision, they decided to return home and arrived yesterday by cars in a sort of motorcade (150 people). Remember, Our borders are closed, once they arrived our authorities (who got an echo) stopped them at the border from Austria and immediately tested them there (all 150 people) before placing them in state quarantine buildings. Result = 34 positives !!! (all are young people who were working in Southern Austria and Northern Italy in Restaurants, hotels and other similar facilities I really start to question if the people abroad are normal, I mean, Hello, there a pendemic around ! your citizens are dying by hundreds per day ! ) The remaining 15 confirmed cases are from daily normal inside testing (1036 tests yesterday). 1 more case than yesterday, so yes, the freaking masks works. obviously it will not help if one person wear it, but it works very well when everybody is wearing them. period. So 534 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+49 Yesterday !!!) 1 Death (+0), 8 Healed (+0),
  6. Yeah sadly that´s not very a thing among our authorities, as you can see in the first minutes of this video
  7. More about the special "Easter" measures in english
  8. "I´ll present to the government tomorrow recomendation to restrict free movement of the citizens from 8th April morning (Wednesday) to 13th April night (Monday), with the exceptions of traveling to and from work, quick basic shopping, necessary/urgent visit of doctor, short stay in the nature/countryside within the county, and possibly also the exception of necessary caring of relatives" The Final decision should be expected tomorrow afternoon
  9. Czech Rpublic is going further... The PM of the country tweet directly to Donald Trump
  10. I am doing the same haha, Rewatched all Wrestling, all Volleyball (in both normal and beach) medal matches, Triathlon and now I am in Tennis (re-watched both bronze and gold matches in W Singles, W Doubles, M Doubles and Mixed Doubles + the M singles bronze Nishikori - Nadal last night) tonight I´ll finish the Tennis section with Murray-Del Potro marathon .. From tomorrow I´ll attack the Weightlifting events one by one
  11. 1545 tests were performed yesterday (400 less than on the previous day), 14 of which were positive (7 less than on the previous day). So 485 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+14 Yesterday), 1 Death (+0), 8 Healed (+0) 120 Hospitalized, 3 in serious conditions, 1 is still in very critical situation under ventilators. Around 17:30 is schedulled the PM press conference about the measures and restrictions for Easter. (the crisis staff meeting is still negotiating) The whole country is eagerly awaiting for it..
  12. well, there a couple of songs that make majority of people automatically think about sports, even if this was not the real purpose
  13. Your nations most popular Sport songs ? in it is certainly "Zelená je tráva, Fotbal to je hra" - "Grass is green and football is the game" that song was released many many years ago,you´ll surely recognize the tune "Blue is the color" from Chelsea FC anthem. The legendary Antonín Panenka and his teammates singing this was a pure hit in back Czechoslovakia, the song is still used before football events in CZ and SK For it is definitely the "Nech bože dá !" - "May god give !" song the unwritten anthem of our ice hockey NT, with the main parts often used as goal song of our teams
  14. Croatia Adventures : Show of music, Land of music, Soul of music, Need of Music, Sign of music...Cult of music
  15. not really but I think you just confused me with a certain dutch member here
  16. Easy, especially without vowels you gain time Strč prst skrz krk (put your finger through throat) and yeah KRK is in Czech/Slovak languages Throat/Neck
  17. Well, as I said, I have only limited informations, just what I can read here and there. (and there not many news in our media from abroad right now, since we have also a lot of our own problems like every country now, as you can imagine.) so I can not judge, but again, hopefuly some investigations will occur and if it is true then it is a pure hyenism and they should be punished.
  18. Well, I don´t know what to answer to this post..I understand the feeling of you and your compatriots are really bad during this time but I just tried to help, because this really help to save lifes, but people still don´t listen Sure, if true, such things are really sad and should be examined and seriously punished. Obviously I don't know the real truth. According to the few information we could find on the Slovak media, the Czech government denied any connection and indictment of "nation controlled stoling". Someone stole it, That´s a prove. but the Czech authorities said it was someone else (mafia ? some doubtfull criminal groups ?), they just got an echo about some suspicious stuff and found it in some warehouse, supposedly thought it was a contraband, so they just confiscated it. Remember the country was already under state of emergency, they can confiscate whatever they found. But when it was found the the equipment was stuff intended to Italy from China, they apologized and sent what they could t Italy (I know that not everything, claiming they already opened many packs etc...). Yes, now, whether this is true or just faking and whether we have to believe it or not is obviously another thing. but I stand with my words, CZE government should be really investigated in this matter and if the accusation show up to be true then also severly punished. Otherwise, Slovakia experienced something similar, well, not exactly the same but somehow similar.. even at the beginning of all this shit, when we had absolutely nothing in our stocks, the state quickly found masks and other things in Ukraine, they contacted their authorities and agreed to buy 2 millions of masks and other stuff, UKR said ok it is yours but you have to came here yourself and pay by CASH ! and thus our representatives went the next day with cash in a suitcase to the airport when they received news that the Ukrainians the already packaged and confirmed goods for us sold to Germany who suddenly called to Ukraine a couple of hours ago and paid more. Our own neighbors !!! Ridiculous and sad things we are living at the same time now
  19. Slovakia tested 1889 people yesterday as part of the project of massive testing of the population, 21 of them were positive, including a two-year-old boy from the eastern city of Trebišov as the youngest and a 60 years old woman fro the northern city of Žilina as the oldest positive tested yesterday. 471 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+21 Yesterday) 165 Hospitalized, 3 in Serious Conditions, 1 in very Critical (under Ventilation), 1 Death, 8 Healed Age Distribution of the Confirmed cases : The biggest amount of confired cases are in 30-44 years old category, the lowest the under 14 years kids. 0-14 : 29 People 15-29 : 125 People 30-44 : 149 People 45-59 : 102 People +60 : 63 People the crisis crew, which is negotiating special regulations for Easter, negotiated until late night and tomorrow will continue in the afternoon. the Prime Minister proposed a total curfew on all four days, especially on a particularly risky Easter Monday. If the majority of the staff will agree, it should be officialized and decided already tomorrow evening
  20. and the one with the minister of health at the end
  21. Still no one posted it here, so I guess I have to, Czech Republic launched an official add with a try to help the world... but when no one is listening then there definitely no hope Czech Republic official add
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