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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. It´s not hard to do one at home. Trust me, if you know someone who is skilled or do have a sew machine you need just a piece of cotton and rubber band, my mom with one friend of her made several literally tens of pieces. we gave them to the whole family, they are easy to wash and we use them daily... There plenty of videos on youtube how to make them, or even without sewing, it require basically only a couple of seconds
  2. yeah, well, my hungarian is somewhere around my Chinese language just the fact that I know these two words and know what they means must by default be necessarily considered as a respectable fact.
  3. 22 New Confirmed Cases yesterday, we officially surpassed the 300 barrier... So 314 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+22 Yesterday) 2 in Serious Case, 1 of them still in very critical Updated Graph In some cities Masks machines are starting to be installed. If someone loses or for some reason damage the mask he is wearing, he can thanks this machine quickly buy a new one for 2 EUR (available also for bank cards) There also disinfectant gels and other disinfectants available
  4. Our economical First governments aid will cost a billion euros per month . It should prevent layoffs though An additional € 500 million will be used by the state to provide bank guarantees. The PM after last nights crisis meeting introduced today seven measures to address the economic impact of the crisis. They should apply only for employers who do not lay off any of their employees and only under guarantee they will retain jobs of their employees during the crisis. 1. The State shall reimburse 80 percent of every employee's salary of all companies that are actually closed due mandatory ban. 2. Allowances for self-employed persons and employees according to the decrease in sales. At a decline of 20 percent - 180 euros. At a decline of 40 percent - 300 euros. At a decrease of 60 percent 420 euros. At a decline of 80 percent - 540 euros... 3. Provision of bank guarantees of EUR 500 million per month. 4. For all employees in quarantine and parents that have to stay with their childs (Elementary School kids) at home, 55 percent of their gross wage will be paid for during the all time they will be in quarantine or stay with their young childs during closed schools. 5. Postponement of payment of employer contributions when sales will fall by more than 40 percent 6. Postponement of income tax advances when sales fell by more than 40 percent 7. Possibility of offsetting losses not yet claimed since 2014 inclusive
  5. Meanwhile in a certain country named the Republic of Belarus, this player who is also the president of the country, a certain Lukashenko won the national amateur ice hockey tournament in Minsk... " Is there a virus? I didn't notice anything. Sports, especially hockey, is the best antiviral medicine." was his quote, according the pictures available from the tournament, many peoples attended that event
  6. I´ll going to lost one hour again thanks That idiotic time change again tonight .. bye CET... hello CEST
  7. Men or Women. As every other measures it is made to slow down the spread of the virus, so the less peoples in one place the best
  8. No idea. I heard it first time right now, They just said it in the TV news, but I guess, in this case it will probably be at the doctor's discretion.
  9. This apply only during the coronavirus crisis as all other measures. They apply Until further notice.. so so far none except the mother and the required medical (birthing) team cannot be during the childbirth
  10. Also the male partners will no longer be allowed to give active assistance during childbirth, the mens cannot assist to the childbirth. The womens will have to wear mask also during the childbirth
  11. Watching the TV news right now I forgot to add in the daily update that smoking in public will be punished by a high fine ! A reason ? masks. If you smoke, you must put your mask off which is forbidden.
  12. CZECH REPUBLIC Karel Gott & Charlotte Ella Gottová - Srdce nehasnou... (The Hearts will go on...) Last year a great legend of Czech and Czechoslovak music left forever. I already wrote about the Maestro Karel Gott and in the last TISC I introduced his probably most famous song "Lady Carneval" a song that was so strong that was covered later by many popular singers from all over the world in 36 different languages. Karel Gott won more than 120 different awards during his career and sold 50 millions albums The country honored him with State funeral RIP Maestro Shortly before his death, he managed to sing this beautiful farewell with his youngest daughter.
  13. Definitely the Hungarian "Aranycsápat" of the 50s. That some legendary football team
  14. @dcro the festival of music song must be a song from the (1st January 2019 - today) period, right ?
  15. @heywoodu I know you´ll love it Also the TV adds responds to the situation. the new add for Kofola (you know that weird Czechoslovak version of Coca Cola) has been re-uploaded. I just turned in my TV and saw it The Original one from the early March (in Czech Language)
  16. okay so fresh updates from after the governement´s press conference Massive testing continue, 23 new Confirmed Cases yesterday and a couple of new regulations and measures applied from today So 292 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+23 Yesterday) 85 of them are hospitalized, 2 of them in serious case, 1 of them sadly in very critical condition... From the 292 confirmed cases 73 are people who returned from abroad (repatriated people) and from many many many countries like Italy, France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Brazil, Ecuador, Maldives or Dominican Republic... Updated Graph Red - Total amount of Confirmed Cases Blue - Daily Amount of Confirmed Cases and now the new measures. The mandatory wearing of masks everywhere remains and was upgraded, when anyone will enter a shop will have to wear also gloves. New stores are now allowed to open from Monday to Saturday (Sunday must be all shops closed due to Sanitary Day) Under considerably stricter hygienic conditions (mandatory mask, mandatory gloves, from 9 AM to 12 PM only peoples above 65 years can enter the shops, 2 meteres distance must be respected and limited people inside the store at the same time ophthalmic opticians, leasing services, MOT, lawyers, notaries, key services, bicycle sales and services, haberdashery, horticulture, Building Constructions and installation material, IT and other electro sale and services, paints and varnishes markets will be open. But this apply only for the small shops, not the big markets like Hornbach etc., the big areas stores remains closed Pharmacies received exception and will be the only shops in the country open also on Sunday. The Supermarkets and mall shopping centers can have still only Groceries, Drugstores and Pharmacies open (from Monday to Saturday), no other shop can be open even from the above mentioned ones. PM asked the citizens to sew new face maskes, "sew, sew and sew... Help neighbors, parents, friends, peoples in need and give them a mask if they can't do it by themselves. The cotton home made masks are the best option we have, wash them after wearing and you can wear them again and again on daily basis, this is our only medicine ! People, sew masks ! there millions of peoples who uploaded their videos how to made a mask on youtubes, it take couple of minute to produce it ! do not worry ! we can handle it together !"
  17. That was the big cause lately, the new governement is angry because the previous one ordered milions of quick tests that are apprently completely useless. the new PM claiming we just thrown millions of euros out of the window to the Danube thanks the previous governement, his priority when starting his mandat was to buy the more accurate tests. and the country is now using only them... btw in a couple of inutes a new press confrence is expected after the last nights new crisis meeting, apparently some surprising informations will be revealed the PM send vis his fb
  18. Massive testing ! Massive testing ! Massive testing ! new PM keeps repeating that as absolute priority of his new governement, after receiving a couple of days ago 200k new test kits, last night landed special planes with 1 million of tests and 2.2 millions of medical face masks that will be distributed to the hospitals since yesterday, the country has introduced massive testing in an attempt to capture all potentially infected.
  19. European Shotgun Championships in Chatearoux 6-20th May - Cancelled Olympic Pistol Events qualification in Plzeň 18-28th May - Cancelled as well
  20. Since yesterday Slovakia started massive testing of people (it is the only way to know the real amount). Thanks the new 200K new tests the country received. and the results is to seen immediatelly with new 43 confirmed cases yesterday. So 269 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+43 Yesterday !!!) , 1 in serious critical condition Updated graph Red - Total amount of confirmed cases Blue - Daily confirmed cases Around 3 AM last night landed a special flight repatriating Slovak citizens from the all were already send to the national quarantine facilities where they will wait for testing. The groceries in the country are still ordered to be open between 9 AM and 12 PM only for people +65 years old Distance, distance, distance infront of the pharmacies and in the test tent before entering the hospitals
  21. Also what are the state/municipalities adds for fighting the spread in your cities ? Do you have something like this 9 Basic rules guide with funny cartoon characters ? Our only vaccine is discipline from left to right - 1) we fight the spread of the infection by staying home 2) we wash our hands with soap at every occasion 3) cough and sneeze only in handkerchiefs or elbows 4) in case of symptoms we contact doctors only by phone 5) we do not create large groups because the virus spread the easiest there 6) we help seniors with the greatest caution because they are the most vulnerable 7) Greetings without contact 8) We all protect ourselves by wearing masks or scarf 9) we know it is important to talk to children about coronavirus as well
  22. this is seriously hilarious and ridiculous at the same point
  23. btw I would love to know how your athletes do to keep their form during the quarantine ? A brief video of some our athletes after returning from abroad now quarantined in their homes, Matej Tóth, Paulína Fialková, Ivona Fialková, Alexander Slafkovský (Canoe Slalom) that´s what I call working on your force - I mean the thing with the toilet papers obviously and Jakub Grigar (canoe Slalom)
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