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  1. Time 17:17 Blackwell deflected Wolanin shoot from the blue line. 1-1
  2. Canada opened the score, The Chicago Blackhawks Brandon Pirri scored after 2 minutes. 1-0 up lucky dickhead Boyle received only a suspended sentence. and is allowed to play as C of today. Bastard, wish him only the bad:
  3. I definitely would not be our NT coach. They had to nominate the Tokyo 2020 K4 crew after the ECH. But I really do not know what they will do now. Both crews Baláž/Myšák/Vlček/Botek and todays Baláž/Myšák/Zalka/Botek are more or less at the same level. Both has now actually no chance to beat the overmighty Germans, but both should fight for medals, so now the coach has to really thnk and rethink abut every detail, because if the K4 will return from Tokyo without medal, I hardly see how he will be able to survive the critics he´ll face.
  4. Tak dík. No, som dosť prekvapený, že nemáte nikoho v bedmintone, CZE vždy mala zastúpenie v oboch pohlaviach. tak je to dosť prekvapko. S tou lukostreľbou som tak trošku tajne dúfal, hoci tých miesteniek je strašne málo, veril som že Alex Longová to nejako ubojuje, som dosť v šoku, že sa to podarilo niekomu inému a to jej 19 ročnej kolegyni, treba však uznať že Denisa mala super turnaj v turecku, súboj o bronze na ME a štvrťfinále v nesmierne psychicky náročnej olympijskej kvalifikácii. Pre mňa úplne zaslúžene. Snaď si Tokio užije a predvedie niečo pekne aj tam.
  5. Saturday June 5th, 2021 - Knockout Round Day 2 Schedule (GMT +3)  Knockout Round LIVESTREAM Semifinals Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) United States vs Canada Period-by-Period: June 5th 2021, h. 14:15, Arena Riga, Riga I Finland vs Germany Period-by-Period: June 5th 2021, h. 18:15, Arena Riga, Riga
  6. "Bandi" ! One win from Tokyo ! Last and only time competed in Boxing at te Olympics was in Atlanta 1996. Highest time to stop the drought !
  7. cool. and what is the situation around Bugan, is it still actual or not anymore ?
  8. Can you take a look when you will have time to the first page posts, if there anything wrong ? Thanks
  9. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 27th Qualified Athlete Denisa BARÁNKOVÁ - ARCHERY (W INDIVIDUAL) Lukostrelkyňa Baránková získala olympijskú miestenku do Tokia Na kontinentálnej olympijskej kvalifikácii jej k postupu do Japonska stačilo aj konečné 7. miesto Slovenská lukostrelkyňa Denisa Baránková získala miestenku na OH do Tokia. V piatok síce na turnaji Európskej kvalifikácie nepostúpila do semifinále a nezískala priamo jedno zo štyroch postupových miest, no keďže v hodnotení podujatia skončili pred ňou dve reprezentantky Turecka, Francúzka i Španielska, stačilo jej napokon aj konečné 7. miesto. Informáciu potvrdil Slovenskému lukostreleckému zväzu (SLZ) strešný orgán lukostreľby World Archery (WA). Slovensko bude mať zastúpenie pod piatimi kruhmi v lukostreľbe druhýkrát v ére samostatnosti. V Riu de Janeiru sa predstavili Alexandra Longová a Boris Baláž. Československo reprezentoval v roku 1992 na OH v Barcelone Slovák Martin Hámor. Baránková v piatok podľahla v kvalifikačnom turnaji disciplíny olympijský luk v tureckej Antalyii až vo štvrťfinále Francúzke Lise Barbelinovej 2:6 na body. Rovnakej súperke pritom podľahla aj deň predtým na rovnakom mieste v semifinálovom stretnutí ME 5:6 po rozstrele v dodatočnom sete. Devätnásťročná Baránková v piatok v snahe kvalifikovať sa do Tokia vyradila aj reprezentačnú kolegyňu Alexandru Longovú. V osemfinále nad ňou zvíťazila 6:0. Teraz ju ešte v nedeľu čaká súboj o bronzovú medailu v rámci majstrovstiev Európy, ktoré sa v Antalyi konajú paralelne s kvalifikáciou na OH. Jej súperkou bude Dánka Kirstine Andersenová. Baránková už teraz dosiahla najväčší úspech Slovenska na kontinentálnom šampionáte. Prekonala aj umiestnenie Alexandry Longovej, ktorá v roku 2014 skončila na 5. mieste na ME v Jerevane. Kvalifikačný proces na OH v lukostreľbe ešte nie je ukončený. Poslednú šancu budú mať pretekári na svetovej kvalifikácii, ktorá sa bude konať popri Svetovom pohári v Paríži 21.-27. júna. Zdroj SOŠV
  10. You are correct. The Archery federation announced that World Archery just confirmed to our delegation the quota in W Singles thanks to the 7th place at the tournament, behind 2x ESP 2 FRA and 2x TUR. Denisa Baránková will compete in Tokyo, she will experience her Olympic debut after beating in "sort of internal qualifier" Alexandra Longová (who was in Rio 2016) in the 2nd round and this is enough for her to use the NOC quota for Tokyo
  11. Are you sure it is for the best ranked (higher seed) and not for a eventual play-off match between the losers to ESP (in this case no match is necessary since FRA has a semifinalist and thus EST should be the qualified) ?
  12. I do not think it is correct. why and how would we won this quota, our athlete lost to FRA in the quarterfinlas, ESP girls in semis advanced by eliminating FRA & EST. Even our federation has not updated anything, other medias claiming Denisa lost the ticket to the french girl in the last qualfying match, nothing about eventual reallocation.
  13. [hide] Knockout Round June 3rd - June 6th, 2021 4 Nations, The Winner of each Semifinal will qualify for Gold Match, and the losers will play the Third-Place Match Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +3) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 June 5th 2021, h. 14:15 United States 1 Canada June 5th 2021, h. 18:15 Finland 1 Germany [/hide]
  14. So here are the Groups for 2022 the only change is CAN/FIN, Canada is now in Group A, Finalnd in Group B, but if Finland win the world title here and CAN finish 4th they will move ahead of Canada in the world rankng and play in group A and canada will play in B A: Canada or Finland USA Germany Switzerland Slovakia Denmark Kazakhstan Italy B: Finland or Canada Russia (also next year will have to play as ROC) Czech Republic Sweden Latvia Norway Belarus Great Britain Remember there also a rule, the host country can swap one neighbouring country if they want to the other group (in this case SWE with SUI or NOR with DEN) but it happened only rarely due economical question with fullfiling both arenas thanks fans from neighboring countries. IIHF Ranking after this WCh 1. CAN 3135 points* 2. FIN 3065 * 3. RUS 3050 4. USA 2925* 5. GER 2905* 6. CZE 2895 7. SWE 2880 8. SUI 2815 9. SVK 2670 10. LAT 2560 11. NOR 2490 12. DEN 2470 13. KAZ 2365 14. BLR 2320 15. GBR 2280 16. ITA 2280 USA and Germany can not overtake Russia, so they will finish 4th and 5th and play in the same group. Only Finland can pass Canada in first place if they win the title and Canada finish 4th In case of tie of points for GB and Italy the tie breaker is better final standing at the last championship, GB 14th, Italy 16th. Serpentine system A: 1-4-5-8-9-12-13-16 B: 2-3-6-7-10-11-14-15 Points for the Ranking IIHF 1. 1200 2. 1160 3. 1120 4. 1100 5. 1060 6. 1040 7. 1020 8. 1000 9. 960 10. 940 11. 920 12. 900 13. 880 14. 860 15. 840 16. 820 Only te points from last 4 years are counted. 100% of points from this year, 75% from last year (due covid pandemic the 2019), 50% for 2018 (+ 50% from Olympics in PC 2018 as well) and 25% of points from 2017.
  15. POWER RANKING 3rd June 2021 Edition With a massive 6-1 quarter-final win over Slovakia, the Americans move into first place in our seventh Power Rankings. Canada’s thrilling 2-1 overtime victory over the ROC team puts it into second place, while defending champion Finland holds steady in third place after blanking the Czechs. The Power Rankings are for the enjoyment of readers, and reflect the progress of teams during the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship. They are distinct from the official standings and IIHF World Ranking. 1 USA Conor: The man who only needs one “n” 2 CAN Troy Orr! 3 FIN Didn’t let the Czechs score four goals in the third (ahem) 4 GER Marcel: The man who only needs one hand 5 ROC Bob prefers Belarus, Bragin prefers Buffalo 6 SUI Swearing in all four official languages 7 CZE The last time we won, Connor Bedard was 4 8 SVK 6, 6, 6: The Number of the Better Team 9 SWE Why didn’t we invite Zibasedin? 10 KAZ We are the Nur-Sultans of Swing 11 LAT Still believers, still got beavers 12 DEN Come on, can’t stay mad forever! 13 NOR Magnus Carlsen refuses to ditch chess for hockey 14 GBR To relax, Bowns likes to block the Suez Canal 15 BLR If your name is Andrei, Ilya, or Sergei, you didn’t score 16 ITA In 2022, our goalies will exclusively make paddle saves Previous Editions 21st May, 2021 23rd May, 2021 25th May, 2021 28th May, 2021 30th May, 2021 1st June, 2021
  16. QUARTERFINAL HIGHLIGHTS ROC 1 - 2OT Canada Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, Overtime: 0-1 June 3rd 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 35. Timkin (Orlov, Kamenev) 1:0 - 46. Henrique (Brown, Comtois) 1:1, 63. Mangiapane (Stecher) 1:2 After OT
  17. QUARTERFINAL HIGHLIGHTS Finland 1 - 0 Czech Republic Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 0-0 June 3rd 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 33. Innala (Pakarinen, Kontiola) 1:0
  18. I believe the M Worlds are the only tournament with the serpentine system not based by last tournament standing but the actual World ranking. But I am not 100% sure, now, I´ll look later if they changed it or not Anyway even on the Worlds standing it would be impossibe 14th GB would be with 15th BLR, 16th ITA would be with 13th & 12th
  19. QUARTERFINAL HIGHLIGHTS Switzerland 2 - 3PSO Germany Period-by-Period: 1-0, 1-1, 0-1, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 0-1 June 3rd 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 16. Untersander (Alatalo, Kurashev) 1:0, 34. Herzog (Scherwey, Bertschy) 2:0 - 38. Kühnhackl (Rieder, Nowak) 2:1, 60. Gawanke (Kahun, Noebels) 2:2, the Winning Penalty Shoot-Out scored by Noebels 2:3 After PSO
  20. QUARTERFINAL HIGHLIGHTS United States 6 - 1 Slovakia Period-by-Period: 3-0, 1-1, 2-0 June 3rd 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 14. Boyle (Unassisted) 1:0, 16. Blackwell (Labanc, Robinson) 2:0, 20. Garland (Moore, Jones) 3:0, 37. Blackwell (Robinson, Labanc) 4:1, 46. Chmelevski (Wolanin) 5:1, 59. Garland (Wolanin, Moore) 6:1 - 33. Cehlárik (Lantoši) 3:1
  21. FINAL STANDING Rank Athletes Nation 5 ROC 6 Switzerland 7 Czech Republic 8 Slovakia 9 Sweden 10 Kazakhstan 11 Latvia 12 Denmark 13 Norway 14 Great Britain 15 Belarus 16 Italy
  22. Thursday June 3rd, 2021 - Knockout Round Day 1 RESULTS (GMT +3)  Knockout Round Quarterfinals Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Switzerland 2 - 3PSO Germany Period-by-Period: 1-0, 1-1, 0-1, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 0-1 June 3rd 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga I United States 6 - 1 Slovakia Period-by-Period: 3-0, 1-1, 2-0 June 3rd 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga I ROC 1 - 2OT Canada Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, Overtime: 0-1 June 3rd 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga I Finland 1 - 0 Czech Republic Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 0-0 June 3rd 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Nations Qualified for Semifinals Canada Finland Germany United States
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