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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. yes, she is there since last week in Arzachena and still holding the place, well, lets hope miracles does not happen only in christmas and she will keep it also after this weekend last race. Richard Varga was DSQ yesterday for a unbelievable mistake and thus the best swimmer in the circuit will very likely miss the games. This I guess sum up perfectly our Tokyo 2020 qualifying cycle
  2. 114 3 Teams (M Football, M Water Polo & W Basketball) sounds like matrix nowadays
  3. No chances in Tennis unless some Zika virus will be found around Tokyo and like 60 % of players decline quotas we would normally have one qualified in Doubles, but since he will not have anyone to play with him we will be even forced to return the place + watch out our synchro swimmers being kicked out by some Italian B team representing San Marino or so..and Judo ? who ? how ? Ok, being serious for a moment, I expect we will have 40+ team in Tokyo for sure, we have now 29 qualified and probably will qualify 5-6 in athletics via ranking + 2 charity swimming quotas, these should be safe and hopefully we will find somewhere some 5 more qualified athletes in other sports
  4. well, what can we do but Czechoslovakia will have around 100 athletes for sure
  5. Maybe. well, I hope not but there not many chances remaining to be honest. MTB Cycling lost quota in the last race thanks hyper motivated Dasalu, W Canoeing Sprint, Salkazanov, Skateboarding Street quotas also lost in the absolute finish of the qualifiers & more than probable 0 quotas in tennis and Triathlon did not really help us. But yeah if we fail to qualify at least 40 athletes to Tokyo this will be seriously embarassing. We need ball hockey at the Olympics and pronto
  6. In Rio Fiji had bigger team than SVK now it will be the Refugees Team...jeez we suck in sports
  7. well, I believe boxing qualification of is less surprising than canoeing sprint I must say, at least for me
  8. FINAL POWER RANKING Final Edition In our final Power Rankings of 2021, Canada rules the roost after fighting all the way back to win the gold medal after its toughest start in tournament history. The Finns finish second after settling for their ninth silver medal of all time. The bronze medal-winning Americans are third. The Power Rankings are for the enjoyment of readers, and reflect the progress of teams during the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship. They are distinct from the official standings and IIHF World Ranking. 1 CAN Ottawa is the capital of the world! 2 FIN Tampere must be renamed Bratislava 3 USA When you win 6-1, you don’t need a recount 4 GER All the best tournaments are in Asia 5 ROC He must also change his name to Babcockov 6 SUI Obviously, we didn’t perform like Celine Dion in 1988 7 CZE 2001 > 2021 8 SVK Slovak scientists announce plans to clone Cehlarik 9 SWE Next year, it’s double gold or bust! (No pressure.) 10 KAZ Best Deep Purple song? “Highway Starchenko” 11 LAT In 2036, let’s play at the Riga Superdome (cap. 2,000,000) 12 DEN Switzerland? Thanks for limiting us to four shots of vodka 13 NOR In Mandarin, how do you say “tenth place”? 14 GBR It feels good to not get slagged by Piers Morgan 15 BLR 99 problems, but relegation ain’t one 16 ITA Next time we get four goals, we’ll celly like Thornton Previous Editions 21st May, 2021 23rd May, 2021 25th May, 2021 28th May, 2021 30th May, 2021 1st June, 2021 3rd June, 2021 5th June, 2021
  9. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 29th Qualified Athlete Emma ZAPLETALOVÁ - ATHLETICS (W 400m HURDLES) Zapletalová splnila limit na OH 2020 v Tokiu V Hengele zabehla čas 55.29 Aj atlétka Emma Zapletalová sa môže chystať na olympijské hry do Tokia. Na nedeľnom mítingu v holandskom Hengele, ktorý mal zlatý štatút seriálu World Athletics Continental Tour, finišovala štvrtá a časom 55,29 sekundy o 11 stotín prekonala olympijský limit. Zverenka Petra Žňavu v ŠK ŠOG Nitra zabehla svoj druhý najlepší výkon v kariére a za vlastným slovenským rekordom 55,19 z minuloročných augustových majstrovstiev Slovenska v Trnave zaostal iba o jedinú desatinu. Ak by nezaváhala na poslednej desiatej prekážke, z Holandska by si odviezla aj slovenský rekord. Zapletalová je po chodcoch na 50 km Matejovi Tóthovi a Michalovi Morvayovi tretí slovenský atlét, ktorý má istý štart na Hrách XXXII. olympiády. Zaujímavosťou je, že všetci traja pochádzajú z Nitry, kde s atletikou začínali. Prekážkarskú štvorstovku v Hengele vyhrala domáca favoritka Femke Bolová v rekorde mítingu 54,33 pred Annou Ryžikovovou z Ukrajiny (54,59) a Juhoafričankou Wandou Nelovou (55,25). Emma Zapletalová získala skalpy bývalej európskej šampiónky a striebornej z OH 2016 v Riu de Janeiro Petersenovej z Dánska (55,55), Britky Liny Nielsenovej (55,76), Couckuytovej z Belgicka (56,70) i Barbadosanky Belleovej (57,19). "Som rada, že to tam padlo a potvrdila som čas z minulého roka. Pritom som ešte stále urobila chybičky, ale to sú prekážky. Pred poslednou som išla trochu opatrne a urobila som o krok viac. Verím, že jedného dňa prídu preteky, v ktorých neurobím chybu a bude to veľmi pekný výkon. V prípade ideálneho behu si verím aj na čas pod 55 sekúnd. Aj keď som sa kvalifikovala na olympiádu, môj hlavný cieľ ostávajú júlové ME do 23 rokov v Tallinne, kde by som chcela uspieť," povedala pre Slovenský atletický zväz (SAZ).
  10. GROUPS 2022 Group A: Canada Russia * Germany Switzerland Slovakia Denmark Kazakhstan Italy Group B: Finland United States Czech Republic Sweden Latvia Norway Belarus Great Britain *(Will have to play as ROC also next year)
  11. AWARDS Most valuable player selected by the media Andrew Mangiapane Individual awards selected by the tournament directorate: Best goalie: Cal Peterson Best defenceman: Moritz Seider Best forward: Peter Cehlarik All-Star Team selected by the media GK: Jussi Olkinuora DE: Korbinian Holzer DE: Moritz Seider FW: Andrew Mangiapane FW: Conor Garland FW: Liam Kirk
  12. FINAL STANDING Canada - Finland - United States - 4 Germany 5 ROC 6 Switzerland 7 Czech Republic 8 Slovakia 9 Sweden 10 Kazakhstan 11 Latvia 12 Denmark 13 Norway 14 Great Britain 15 Belarus 16 Italy
  13. GOLD MEDAL MATCH HIGHLIGHTS Gold Medal Match Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Finland 2 - 3OT Canada Period-by-Period: 1-0, 0-1, 1-1, Overtime: 0-1 June 6th 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 9. Ruohomaa (Kaski) 1:0, 46. Lindbohm (Nousiainen, Ruohomaa) 2:1 - 25. Comtois (Brown, Walker) 1:1, 53. Henrique (Comtois, Brown) 2:2, 67. Paul (Brown) 2:3 After OT Officials: Fraňo (CZE), Romasko (RUS) – Lazarev, Shalagin (both RUS) Penalties: 3:5 all for 2 min., + Danforth and Walker (both CAN) for 10 min., Power Play Goals: 0:1, Shorthanded Goals: 0:0. Line-ups: FIN: Olkinuora - Koivisto, Sund, Kaski, Määtä, Pokka, Ohtamaa, Nousiainen, Lindbohm - Anttila, Björninen, Mäenalanen - Ojamäki, Lundell, Ruotsalainen - Pakarinen, Kontiola, Innala - Sallinen, Ruohomaa, Turunen CAN: Kuemper - Walker, Ferraro, Stecher, Power, Bernard-Docker, Beaudin, Schneider - Brown, Henrique, Mangiapane - Bunting, Vilardi, Comtois - Pirri, Danforth, Paul - Foudy, Anderson-Dolan, Hagel
  14. BRONZE MEDAL MATCH HIGHLIGHTS United States 6 - 1 Germany Period-by-Period: 1-0, 4-0, 1-1 June 6th 2021, h. 15:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 6. Wolanin (Unassisted) 1:0, 27. Garland (Robertson, Wolanin) 2:0, 29. Drury (Chmelevski) 3:0, 32. Robertson (Garland, Thompson) 4:0, 33. Moore (Garland, Thompson) 5:0, 50. Donato (Clendening, Thompson) 6:1 - 50. Bittner (Plachta, Kahun) 5:1
  15. well, that just show how everyone behind Canada is piss poor in this sport then
  16. Sunday June 6th, 2021 - Knockout Round Last Day RESULTS (GMT +3)  Knockout Round Bronze Medal Match Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) United States 6 - 1 Germany Period-by-Period: 1-0, 4-0, 1-1 June 6th 2021, h. 15:15, Arena Riga, Riga Gold Medal Match Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Finland 2 - 3OT Canada Period-by-Period: 1-0, 0-1, 1-1, Overtime: 0-1 June 6th 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga
  17. Road to the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2022 The following Nations have qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF World Championship 2022 Belarus Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland Germany Great Britain Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Norway Russia Slovakia Sweden Switzerland United States
  18. Men's Tournament Final Results Canada - Finland - United States - Rank Athletes Nation Result 4 Germany - 5 ROC - 6 Switzerland - 7 Czech Republic - 8 Slovakia - 9 Sweden - 10 Kazakhstan - 11 Latvia - 12 Denmark - 13 Norway - 14 Great Britain - 15 Belarus - 16 Italy -
  19. Results Update Event Link Click on the logo to open Knockout Round
  20. and I will have to wait one more year...predicted both winners wrong today, what a fail
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