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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. @Dnl Can I start to post now or have I to wait 5 minutes until 15:45 my time
  2. Oh fuck, it is my turn lol... Give me Two minutes please... until then let have a small TV commercial
  3. oh, do not throw this chance, it would be amazing to organize the contest in CZE
  4. ČT still re-counting the Pirate party votes, they do not have time for this
  5. well, I was not even close... That I guess sum up my betting skills
  6. Quick look at voting schedule. I have some feeling this was the last points SVK received tonight
  7. That´s cool. I was just surprised, did not sounds like your favorite style. But an interesting piece it is for sure
  8. I was sure abou this. What a Drama. Next CZE to vote. Be careful with what you are going to do bros !
  9. Petra She did it again. our wonderwoman #Team SlovenskoBeijing2022 Huge 6th place and PB for Martina Dubovská / Way to Go Czechoslovakia !
  10. Yeah you have landlocked countries and you have coastal countries...and then you have countries which never give points to Slovakia
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