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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. and just now the organizers announced that the weekend is completely sold out There no more tickets availbale, but ofc unlucky people without tickets who will want to attend the races are free to come and cheer from the surrounding area Should be some hell of atmosphere next late January in the Low Tatras
  2. Not my favorite team, not at all, but big hat off and respect from me for this move
  3. - One bronze in M Modern Pentathlon (2 Olympics Quotas, one per gender in this, Big hat off especially for the 16 years old María Sol Naranjo, who became the youngest athlete to qualify for Paris 2024 now) - Huge disater for Tamara Salazar, with a Lumbar injury forced the reigning Olympic silver medalist to leave the Weightlifting -81kg competition before her first attempt and resulted in a heartbroken imediate transport to the near Hospital... Fingers crossed that everything will end well - but also a secured medal in M 92kg Boxing thanks Julio Castillo win in the quarterfinal this Monday 1 - 1 - 4 Medals of the Day Andrés Torres, Modern Pentathlon M Individual Bronze
  4. 4 new medals and first "Oro" of the games in Day 2 Carapaz silver in his Pan-Am TT debut was a bit disappointing to be fair, but Angie fully delivered later on the evening to grab that first gold. 1 - 1 - 3 Medals of the Day Angie Palacios, Weightlifting W -71kg Gold Richard Carapaz, Road Cycling M Individual Time Trial Silver Carlos Granja, Sport Climbing M Speed Bronze Katlen Jervez/Mario Troya, Taekwondo Mixed Pairs Poomsae Bronze
  5. Carapaz leading after first lap of the Time Trial
  6. 2nd medal and 2nd bronze for in TKD Poomsae Mixed Couple or whatever is it
  7. Kira Kapustíková is the youngest sister of the 16 years old Hektor Kapustík Always wondering how their parents came to those first names, pretty uncommon in Slovakia. But I like it, Kira
  8. First Day, First medal 0 - 0 - 1 Andrea Rojas, Sport Climbing W Speed Bronze
  9. and South Africa did it again 1 point win in the end
  10. Currently an "impressive" amount of 5 athletes within the qualifying position, funnily enough in 7 different events, Ján Volko in both M 100 & 200 and Viki Forster in W 100 Hurdles and 100 dash, (Which btw led me to a maybe dumb question, do you guys by any chance know if a qualified athlete can be allowed for a double start if he/her wish (assuming the NOC have no entry in it), Viki Forster is already qualified in the Hurdles via standard, but let say may eventually miss the final cut in the 100 dash, Will she be still allowed to start in it even without qualifying thanks to her spot in other discipline (the Hurdles) and the fact no other athlete from the said nation did even qualify in W 100m ?) Apart them only Gabika Gajanová (already qualified via standard in W 800m), Stanislava Škvarková in W 100 Hurdles and Dominik Černý in M 20km Race Walk both currently within the qualifying ranking positions Field events went somehow to a complete oblivion in this country lately
  11. [hide] Knockout Stage October 14th - October 28th, 2023 4 Nations, The Winners of each Semifinal will qualify for Final. The Losing Nations of each Semifinal will play the Third-Place Match. Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 October 20th, h. 21:00 Argentina 21 New Zealand October 21st, h. 21:00 England 3 South Africa [/hide]
  12. Slovenská cestná cyklistika s 2 miestenkami do Paríža 2024 Prvýkrát po 28 rokoch bude môcť Slovensko vyslať na olympijské hry cestnú cyklistku. Na základe rebríčkov Medzinárodnej cyklistickej únie (UCI) má slovenská cestná cyklistika miesta pre jedného muža a jednu ženu pre olympijské hry v Paríži 2024. O konkrétnych menách do olympijskej nominácie rozhodne Slovenský zväz cyklistiky na základe aktuálnej výkonnosti a interných kritérií až v období pred Parížom 2024. Na olympijských hrách 2024 v Paríži sa predstaví v cestných pretekoch 90 cyklistov a rovnaký počet cyklistiek. UCI rozdelila miestenky na základe cyklistických rebríčkov krajín k 17. októbru 2024. Miesta pre parížske preteky s hromadným štartom v cestnej cyklistike získalo najlepších 45 krajín v oboch rebríčkoch. Muži o olympijské medaily budú bojovať v sobotu 3. augusta 2024, ženy o deň neskôr. Slováci i Slovenky vo štvrtej desiatke rebríčkov UCI Medzi mužmi je Slovensko v rebríčku UCI na 32. pozícii, medzi ženami na 36. priečke. Podľa pravidiel maximálny počet štyroch cyklistov môžu do cestných pretekov jednotlivcov a jednotlivkýň postaviť štáty z prvých piatich miest renkingum, u mužov sú to Belgicko, Dánsko, Slovinsko, Veľká Británia a Francúzsko, u žien Holandsko, Taliansko, Belgicko, Švajčiarsko a Poľsko. Tri miestenky sú určené pre krajiny od 6. do 10. priečky, dve pre štáty z druhej desiatky. Ďalších 25 krajín môže vyslať do Paríža po jednom cyklistovi do pretekov s hromadným štartom. Zvyšných desať miest prerozdelila UCI podľa výsledkov majstrovstiev sveta a kontinentálnych šampionátov. Slovensko nemá na základe rebríčka UCI či výsledkov na MS právo nominovať pretekára či pretekárku do časovky. Jazdy proti chronometru sú na programe v sobotu 27. júla. Cestná cyklistika: Ženy len v Atlante 1996, muži na každých OH v ére samostatnosti Kým slovenskí cestári štartovali na olympijských hrách pravidelne, ženy sa predstavili len v Atlante 1996. V pretekoch s hromadným štartom skončila Lenka Ilavská na 27. a Eva Loweová-Orvošová na 27. pozícii. Cestní cyklisti nechýbali v slovenských dresoch na olympijských hrách ani raz v ére samostatnosti. Doteraz sa pod piatimi kruhmi predstavilo od roku 1996 dvanásť cestárov (Peter Sagan, Juraj Sagan, Lukáš Kubiš, Patrik Tybor, Ján Valach, Matej Jurčo, Roman Broniš, Martin Riška, Róbert Nagy, Milan Dvorščík, Pavol Zaduban, Miroslav Lipták). Najlepší individuálny výsledok v pretekoch s hromadným štartom dosiahol Peter Sagan, ktorý bol v Londýne 2012 klasifikovaný na 34. priečke. Podľa aktuálnej výkonnosti sa očakáva, že sa v Paríži predstaví jeden z trojice Martin Svrček - Matúš Štoček - Lukáš Kubiš podľa zdravotného stavu a výkonnosti. U žien to pravdepodobne vyzerá na účasť Nory Jenčušovej, ktorá sa postarala o vyše polovicu získaných bodov, vďaka ktorým sa miestenka získala. Článok prevzatý z SOŠ
  13. Qualified Looking forward to this, some matches will be played in Košice, rumors saying that even will play one match here
  14. Dear lord, we are terrible Completely helpless... If by some miracle we will go there, that would be only for doing the punchbag... jesus, what a bunch of football walkers we are
  15. Tidjane Thiam (CIV) & William Blick (UGA) Apparently, they were worried these team sports are not established enough in Africa... Go and figure
  16. Always while watching IOC sessions during the Bach era came to my mind one of the most famous Chernomyrdin axioms which says "We wanted the best, but it turned out like always." ... I just couldn´t with Their obsession with aiming mainly on "youth/urban/tictoc era/call it how you want" viewers at the expense of the more traditional Olympics fans, and now we are heading towards a lifelong presidenting of this fencing champion fool
  17. Man hearthbreaking for the host to lose this way... Feel for and both definitely deserved more than they achieved here... So now it is vs the world
  18. Definitely both yesterdays - and this - are a great ad for rugby especially in countries where this sport had no tradition, people here are watching it thanks Czech TV and the numbers of viewers are really growing fast (me included)
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