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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. yeah after collecting 3 shidos in the first 17 seconds
  2. No medal for in -44kg W taekwondo after a 14-15 lose to
  3. Still waiting for the first confrontation
  4. Congrats and you got another one assured medal in Taekwondo Lena Stojkovic
  5. No, sú tam traja-štyria možno aj piati, ktorí by teoreticky mohli zabojovať o aspoň to jedno miestečko pre nás Osobne najviac verím mladému Matejovi Kováčovi ale možno väčšie šance bude mať Karol Samko, potom v pozadí ešte môžu pri troške šťastia zabodovať aj Radoslav Tatarčík, Richard Tkáč či Ondrej Kružel
  6. I see. Well, hopefully Brazilian people will chose the lesser evil then
  7. and Tatiana lost 3-4 that´s over for team today - all 3 swimmers eliminated in heats, BMX mixed team eliminated in the 1st round, and Kukuľková closed the day by this lose, very likely meaning no chances now for her to advance to the KO round
  8. beat 2-0 in beach volley highlight of the day
  9. unbelievable match, why they just can not cover it ?
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