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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Stage 4/5 in Markkleeberg (GER) Men´s K1: 1. Vit Prindis 87.78 (0) 2. Lucien Delfour 90.21 (0) 3. Jiri Prskavec 90.32 (0) Full Final Result HERE
  2. Stage 4/5 in Markkleeberg (GER) Women´s C1: 1. Nuria Vilarrubla 104.98 (0) 2. Tereza Fiserova 105.02 (0) 3. Jessica Fox 105.14 (2) Full Final Result HERE
  3. Sure, the flag is the same but still it was not Czech Republic, it was Czechoslovakia, even that team had slovak players included
  4. Czech commentators happy about 6th place of Cink...well, I was hoping for more to be honest
  5. Ján Volko sadly did not qualify for the WCh. Today was his last chance at the National League finals, 10.57 in 100m and 20.70 in 200m in very hot weather means he is officially out of contention for the world championships. So we qualified only 6 athletes to Dauha, but only 5 will compete since the marathon runner Tibor Sahajda announced already that he will not travel to qatar but instead of this he will run the Košice marathon (SVK national championship) with bigger chance to collect valuable points for the Olympic ranking. the 5 athletes for Dauha are if nothing else will happen Marcel Lomnický in Hammer M, Martina Hrašnová in Hammer W, Gabriela Gajanová in 800m W, Matej Tóth in 50km RW M and Mária Czáková in 50km WR W.
  6. 17. (+6:08)
  7. I am pretty sure in 1991 Czech Republic was not 4th since such country didn´t exist at the time
  8. Stage 4/5 in Markkleeberg (GER) Women´s K1: 1. Ricarda Funk 95.27 (0) 2. Jessica Fox 99.02 (0) 3. Stefanie Horn 99.62 (0) Full Final Result HERE
  9. Stage 4/5 in Markkleeberg (GER) Men´s C1: 1. Alexander Slafkovský 92.54 (0) 2. Luka Bozic 94.33 (0) 3. Franz Anton 94.43 (0) Full Final Result HERE
  10. Internal qualification just started. And in M C1 all 3 guys fighting for the quota advanced to the final. There 4 rounds (WC in Germany this weekend, next last WC stage, the Wch this year and next years ECH) The athletes will collect points based on their ranking at the different events, the worst result of each athlete being scratched at the end. The athlete with the highr amount of points will earn the spot for Tokyo (depending if Slovakia win the quota ofc) In W K1 no SVK girl qualified for the final, so we already know the standing after Event 1/4 in this class. Jana Dukátová finished 13th in the semifinal so she has 32 points. 1. Jana Dukátová 21 points 2. Eliška Mintálová 18 p. 3. Elena Kaliská 16 p. I´ll keep updating the SVK internal qualifiers standing here
  11. Man, this sound from the court is so freakingly annoying, it's like endless scraping glass can´t they try some different shoes ?
  12. This guy Moore for Angola is American, right ? so all European teams are naturalizing black americans while African teams are naturalizing white americans ?
  13. Czech National TV ČT Sport is showing basketball and according the schedule the whole todays program !!! Unbelievable . In Slovakia meanwhile...well..let say it this way, if not the prediction contwst in our forum I wouldn´t even know
  14. oh dear...this is like me when I first time played hockey on ice at school, I needed almost a minute to finally keep standing on place before shooting
  15. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 11th Qualified Athlete PATRIK JÁNY - SHOOTING (10m AIR RIFLE M + 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS M) Jány skončil tretí na SP v Riu a získal miestenku na OH 2020 Jány dosiahol v Riu životný úspech a vybojoval si miestenku do Tokia Slovenský reprezentant v streľbe Patrik Jány obsadil tretie miesto vo vzduchovej puške 60 na podujatí Svetového pohára v Rio de Janeiro a vybojoval si miestenku na budúcoročné olympijské hry v Tokiu. Dvadsaťdvaročný mladík si tak splnil veľký cieľ a zároveň dosiahol životný úspech. Doteraz sa len dvakrát prebojoval medzi najlepšiu osmičku na veľkých podujatiach medzi seniormi. Dokázal to vlani na SP v Mníchove, kde obsadil finálovú ôsmu priečku a potom v júni na II. európskych hrách v Minsku, na ktorých si svoje maximum o jednu pozíciu vylepšil. Dva týždne po EH navyše získal na 30. Svetovej letnej univerziáde v Neapole zlato. Jány predvádzal v Riu už v kvalifikácii veľmi dobré výkony, keď v nej obsadil druhú priečku s nástrelom 629,7 b. Predbehol ho len Číňan Sung Pu-chan (632,1). Vo finále neodštartoval najlepšie, no postupne sa prepracoval na druhú priečku. Keď zostali v hre už len traja, Jány sa dostal do rozstrelu s Chorvátom Petarom Goršom, ktorý prehral a obsadil tretie miesto. Z triumfu sa nakoniec tešil Číňan Jü Chao-nan s nástrelom 252,8 bodov, čím vytvoril nový svetový rekord. Jány sa ešte predtým predstavil v ľubovoľnej malokalibrovky 3x40, v ktorej obsadil 18. miesto výkonom v kvalifikácii 1172 bodov. Výsledky: vzduchová puška 60: 1. Jü Chao-nan ( ) 252,8SR 2. Petar Gorša ( ) 249,9 3. Patrik JÁNY ( ) 228,8
  16. + the good news is Jány achieved just there in Rio 2 days ago the MQS in 3 Positions with 1172 in the qualifications, so he is eligible to compete in both Rifle events (and since there no other shooter able to qualify in this event) he will certainly compete in the 3 positions as well.
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