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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Boari in top 10 Now we'll must wait the Opening Ceremony
  2. Italy back in the bottom half! C'mon girls!
  3. Claudia Mandia aren't in a good day
  4. 700! 1st World Record and the games aren't started yet!
  5. This 2nd half is a disaster for Galiazzo. Actually he'a 44th
  6. Nespoli in 9th but what disaster for Galiazzo
  7. Provisional bracket here (update in live)
  8. Actually we have a very close competition for the TOP 4 in the team conpetition
  9. Due giorni neri per i sorteggi.. mi sa che la dea bendata non vede di buon occhio il tricolore
  10. The liveresults aren't really in live or the event aren't starts yet?
  11. In 15 minuts the inspection will starts. The order is aviable here
  12. Tra poche ore il Team Italia esordirá a Rio con i ranking round del tiro con l'arco. Speriamo in una doppia Top 4 per saltare gli ottavi
  13. I found it on an Italian website , I do not know where they have taken it. I think that the photo taked by a korean newspaper
  14. Hystorical photo! This is one of the reasons why I love the Olympics
  15. Visto gli ultimi risultati non mi stupirei di vedere qualche sorpresina. Speriamo bene
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