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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. What disaster for Miyake She was one of the favorite for the medals
  2. Abbiamo ancora Detti e la staffetta. Non disdegnerei qualche sorpresa
  3. Argento per la Fiamingo. La 200esima medaglia d'oro sembra stregata
  4. Wow, i'm shocked But we win a Silver
  5. Australia win the bronze. I can't wait for the final
  6. Speriamo bene, oggi sta andando tutto storto
  7. IT'S FINAL!! I start to cry! Amazing semifinals
  8. 1st medal for the host country! Now c'mon Vietnam
  9. We play very bad. I hope that tomorrow we'll shot better than today
  10. It's a miracle! Giuseppe qualified for the final!
  11. Tommasone on the ring. He is the frist italian pro at thw Olympics
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