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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Medal for Greece in shooting, what surprise!
  2. Time to start this Olympic day. Let's go Jessica!
  3. It's amazing see new national community! Welcome in Totallympics @Javohir
  4. Australia, amazing WR! 1st medal for Canada
  5. I hope that he will have the same face after the 1500m
  6. Actually Hungary can stay in the lead of the medal table after 1st day
  7. Eccola la sorpresa, il brivido e il pizzico di fortuna che tutti aspettavano! Un bronzo di dimenzioni epiche, grazie Gabriele!
  8. BRONZE MEDAL!!! Good job Gabriele! Time to celebrate!
  9. After 20 years Japan broke the USA ledership!
  10. Vinci out The Slovakian athlete is very good and young, for me she will become a tennis star in the future
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