Okay, so...looking at the racquetball qualification guidelines: https://www.internationalracquetball.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/IRF-Qualification-TWG2025s.pdf
...and the viewing the combined team ranking from the 2024 world championships published by the IRF: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/h84c4jrag5igeutgrllr6/AIaQJvUOJj94K5oVOnphrzE?dl=0&e=1&preview=9+Combined+Team+Competition.pdf&rlkey=npybeo0ohksyc7bri7os9xfvf&st=zyxy65ap
should each be in line to recieve one male and one female quota. I'm not sure if NFs that only entered one gender will be offered quotas, but if that's the case, might also be in line for quotas. didn't compete at the world championships, so I'm not sure about their quotas either.
As always, none of this is official, as only the international federation can confirm who qualified.