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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. @RobtheAggie Do you have any good photos of the new Mt. Van Hovenberg Biathlon Center? I tried to post some the other day, but it didn’t work for whatever reason. The facility (which includes the bobsleigh track, lodge, and biathlon/cross country center) looks really nice, is that the one they plan to use for Lake Placid 2023?
  2. I am glad to know they are investigating the dealings of candidates’s children. I hope to see their report on Trump’s children soon. Oh wait... (I am not defending Hunter Biden in any way, but I am calling this what it is “a partisan sham.”)
  3. What a load of bullshit! I try really hard to believe in justice, due process, our legal system, our policing system; but damn is it hard nowadays.
  4. Well...yeah. This was CBS coverage of the event in the United States after all.
  5. Right, and that is a big fucking problem.
  6. No, they are not. Trump’s never ran a successful business. Dude must have the Guinness World Record for bankruptcies. He runs the U.S. government like a mafia boss; for his own benefit and profit.
  7. Came accords this today I’ve always wanted to see some Speed Skiing coverage from the 1992 Winter Olympics, and now I have
  8. Neither will coal, it’s not a renewable resource. California’s plan isn’t just to rely on solar power though. We will use solar power, wind power, and hydro power to fuel our great civilization.
  9. I see @heywoodu distaste of urban places is still alive and well. That said, I do like the selection of Apeldoorn, so I’ll let it slide. Also, the US will be making an appearance once more to everyone’s chagrin.
  10. Well accept, as the conservationist explained, we could. At the very least, we could do more to both protect the environment, and grow our renewable energy industry. It just requires more planning and critical thinking. If one sides says: raze all the Joshua Trees And the other says: don’t touch a single Joshua Tree I feel like there’s a much better third option than the two presented in that case. That’s why I’m more inclined to agree with the conservationist, who has an idea worth considering (i.e we can protect the trees, and build better solar infrastructure (which might actually improve our city come to think of it)).
  11. Interesting video on a very local issue for me. A lot of the footage used in this video is from right outside my town (the outskirt communities). We embraced solar technology in the late 2000s, and that shit took off out here. It quickly became a major sector business, and got our communities a lot of state and national interest. There are now miles and miles of solar farms across our deserts, and much more planned. My town is one of the sunniest places on the entire planet, so it’s an ideal place to build solar farms. We also have consistently strong winds, which makes us an ideal candidate for wind turbines like you see in the video. However, these companies are razing our desert to make this happen. Like the conservationist says, our desert is an amazing place filled with biodiversity (even if it isn’t as beautiful as a mountain peak, or rainforest, or ocean). We’ve seen animal habitat decreased greatly. We have many threatened and endangered species that call the Mojave Desert home. These companies caused horrible and dangerous dust storms when they removed all the plants from their plots of land about a decade ago. It made it dangerous to go outside for days at a time. They have also chosen to build their solar farms on lands where our beloved California poppies grow, thus reduced their habitat and making our desert ugly. There’s now fierce battles going on between people town. Our communities are very divided by this. We love the jobs and investment it brings, but it destroys a lot of what’s special about living here. I just thought I’d share this, since it’s personal to me. I’d be more inclined to agree with the conservationist, especially when he says we should build solar farms on roofs and over roadways as alternatives. Also, a fun fact about Joshua Trees, they only grow in the Mojave Desert and in Israel (at least that’s what I was told growing up).
  12. Ah cool! I’ve always wanted a downhill time trial. I might have to actually watch the Giro now.
  13. This might actually be the best description of event graphic design I’ve ever seen
  14. They = The moderates and elites in the party who fixed the primary.
  15. I don’t agree that’s what they’re doing though. I don’t watch one of their videos on the history of photography or science of race walking and go “I should vote against Trump based off the evidence in this video.”
  16. Ooh! Ooh! I can help with a logo if help is needed. I can’t remember what the standard is.
  17. I will say that Vox’s editorial standards (in terms of factual reporting, not bias) are higher than other biased media in my opinion. In both their news articles and opinion pieces, they generally include links to the academic research or primary sources they based their opinion/reporting off. That makes it easier to fact check their reporting, and check those studies/sources against others.
  18. Yep, you can thank advertising/media interest algorithms for that.
  19. It’s actually not wrong to be. It’s just important to check the information you read against other more credible/less biased sources. That’s the main idea of media literacy. I would agree that Vox is biased on their reporting here; I’m just saying that “right-wing media” is no less guilty of that bias.
  20. @dcro I’d be nice to see rightist media cover Trump’s mental health the way they cover Biden’s. (I would never use the term “rightist”, but I want show how easy it is to make these politically biased statements against only one side of the issue.) Dagger goes both ways, and it’s the people who ultimately suffer in the end. Americans have a very low media literacy level unfortunately.
  21. The GOP appears to have enough votes in the Senate to appoint Trump’s nominee. If they go ahead with this before the election, Democrats have vowed to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court. This would most likely be the start of a major Constitutional Crisis, and obviously that would not be good. There’s a lot a stake with a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Outside of the ACA (Obamacare), the U.S. government has failed to pass any substantive social legislation since the 1980/1990s. That means that the legality of things such as abortion, gay marriage, gender discrimination, sexuality discrimination, religious discrimination, racial discrimination, etc. all rely on decisions in Supreme Court cases. Of course those precedents can always be overturned by a new ruling, which is why this is such a big deal.
  22. She also doesn’t seem to know the difference between Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, since she’s clearly meaning to reference him. Also, how can one be “more conservative than Attila the Hun”?
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