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Totallympics World Class
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Swimming, Fencing, Water Polo, Ice Hockey, Artistic Gymnastics

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  1. We got the Gold from (Modern) Pentathlon, Aristotle's favorite sport, so 10.
  2. passed last minute. If I don't remember wrong, 3 years ago the same happened but with opposite roles
  3. Yep. Insane narrative material here in Paris, good for journalists.
  4. USA loses last Gold here.
  5. Almost a perfect prediction by me answering to the post "Athletes who will shine in Summer Olympic Games in Paris 2024" 3 years ago
  6. Ok this is my favourtie Gold for sure, no even close
  7. We currently have a open streak of 7 consecutive missed penalties
  8. I can't remember such a bad NT since 2009 World Champs probably.
  9. is near to the their first Olympic medal ever...
  10. And it's final for Márton!! What a Day
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