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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I'm surprised to see Divine Oduduru and Hakim Sani Brown, I had no idea they went to compete for a college
  2. And an actual football study said the opposite, but I can't find the link on my phone at the moment.
  3. The rebound of the ball shouldn't be a problem, just get used to it. The problem is indeed with things like tackling, there's a rather significant rise in certain kinds of injuries on artificial turf (ankles, mostly). On the other hand, serious knee injuries seem to be more common on actual grass.
  4. Yes, they absolutely do. But it has never been 'simply providing information'.
  5. When did journalists last 'simply provide information'? Because it wasn't in the past 200 years or so.
  6. A lot of the problems are 'small' things like certain malls being turned into places one might prefer not going, or bus lines (mostly around those places where refugees are kept and of which the English term has apparently slipped out of my mind) seeing violent people so often, drivers simply started refusing to go there and schools told parents to bring their kids (especially girls) by car instead of letting them take the bus, because the risks are just too high.
  7. Well, 3 Which is the same as the number of Danish players
  8. Yeah, the situation is indeed rather different with the US
  9. There are no significant problems though?
  10. Like you get your head chopped off for letting a piece of paper fall.
  11. If you were European and you said that, you'd immediately be labeled a racist
  12. If I'm not mistaken, quite a large group of athletes there is roughly between 16 and 18 years of age. Obviously some people are younger and some are older, but generally I think that's quite a normal age for these sort of things and I'd much rather see them having easy access to condoms than sneaking around and ending up with STD's because condoms were not available.
  13. So? It's a village full of very active, very healthy and very fit (and probably in each other's eyes very attractive) people, who have been very focussed on sports pretty much all the time. We can all think what we want about it, but the rather basic fact is that there's going to be sex there, might as well provide them with free and easy ways to do it safe. I'd say for the young people that's even more important to see that as standard.
  14. Marquez got to meet Wierer, how cool for him
  15. You make it sound like giving youth the opportunity to protect themselves is a bad thing?
  16. Yeah that's fine, I can understand for someone in one of said countries keeping track of the relationships is a billion times easier than it is for total outsiders like me Thanks, keep up the cheering
  17. Keeping track of which country hates which other country in that entire region is just utterly impossible for me, so my guess was pretty much "any country besides Iran in the whole extended Gulf region"
  18. If we're going sports specific: Brazil in most winter sports (with one or two athletes on the opposite and being on the list of cheering against them) and a few Australians in biathlon. Then again, that's all really not because of the nation, but because of the people, so I guess it doesn't really count
  19. How's that hangover after one of Ecuador's biggest ever successes outside of the Olympics?
  20. Sure, but is it really fair for a government to say "nah that thing of a few hundred years ago doesn't count anymore, your land is ours now, kthxbye"?
  21. In general: small, or better yet, unexpected countries Apart from that I really just try to decide who I like based on the athlete and not so much the flag that happens to be behind their name.
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