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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I would not say hate, but here (where I'm sure there are fewer Roma than in eastern Europe) significant problems are in things like high crime rates*, children being left out of school by the parents (even though they are welcome to go, sometimes they go, then they don't, impossible to offer a program to them when 'will they show up?' is the daily mystery) and any sort of integration seeming to be utterly impossible and simply something they really, really don't want - which makes things harder, when moving to another country, no matter where it is, one should quite definitely try to integrate as well as possible... Of course there's always exceptions, but that is sort of the general consensus based on experience and situations here. *around a quarter of the Roma under 18 years has already been in touch with the judicial system, against around 2% for the average in that age group
  2. Nice job in making a place where small children drinking alcohol all day is normal look like a fun little town.
  3. Alaphilippe's family really should turn off the TV's when the descent of l'Iseran starts.
  4. Ah, we have another wonderful schedule like Pyeongchang with 1-2 hours of (literally) nothing happening followed by hours with a dozen finals? Although for Summer Olympics there is the kind of valid excuse of there being way more different sports.
  5. This kind of shit is the cancer of the world.
  6. I'd just like to make sure you're not one of those idiots who says race walking is 'nothing important'?
  7. They have huge amounts of data (Gracenote at least) for every Olympic sport, surely they could do better.
  8. Again, that is what everyone says about their country (with a few exceptions). If everyone says "we won't win that many, no way!" and that comes true, a ton of medals end up without owner.
  9. Beat some of Burkina's best, so shut it with your sarcasm
  10. I once ordered something in South Africa and it had some stamps and documents in Afrikaans on/in it, I found it very funny. Afrikaans is a really funny language for someone who's mother tongue is (regular) Dutch It's ontopic because what I ordered was Chad le Clos' book
  11. Now it's time for Liu Zige And that 200 fly record of Phelps is too ridiculous as well, that ain't gonna be broken
  12. I always thought 'blacks' was more derogatory than 'coloured', or at least considered to be so by some (I mean, if someone has colour X, it shouldn't be terrible to mention colour X ). But fine, offtopic. The yellow hats win in a WR
  13. 'Coloured' is derogatory, 'people of colour' is the norm. The world is confusing as shit.
  14. Maybe descendents from white Dutch people who had children with black locals could have become more and more black through the generations, but technically be considered Afrikaner?
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