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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Meanwhile Astrid Jacobsen has retired.
  2. I live in the Netherlands and still that has to be the most random place for a bike I've ever seen. I like it
  3. Did they also write 'Marcus et Cornelia in horto ambulant'?
  4. Well yeah, understandable. Badum tss. And I'm just saying what Belgian media is saying, don't shoot the messenger
  5. SAIL Amsterdam has been cancelled, which is a shame for people who like these big boats. Since events until 1 September can't happen, and this was planned in August, it would of course not go on this year, but moving it up one year turned out not to be an option neither: most of these international tall ships apparently have their schedules made up for a few years already. It's an event that's supposed to happen once every five years, so the next one will only be in 2025.
  6. Is Dr Tedros the next person we all have to hate?
  7. Belgians are mad at some Italian newspaper, because they described the absolutely huge Belgian health minister Maggie de Block as someone who is 140kg "Belgium changes how they'll count dead, decides Maggie: minister of 140kg" Belgians shouldn't be so sensitive about that, since half the Belgian internet is full with De Block memes often focusing on her saying of "Stay in your house" combined with 'or else I'll eat you'
  8. I can't even remember having to write opinions other than "I liked it because I thought it was nice"
  9. Wait, that average guy is playing fatty Kim?
  10. It was his own decicison to not to it though. He was allowed to do so, but decided not to and he is indeed allowed to decide that. If you have a bit of a sense of the popularity of cycling, Evenepoel and De Muur in Belgium, you'll know it was a well-meant, but just not very well thought-out idea from him at the moment. He'll come up with something else I guess, since it was meant to show some support for the healthcare workers (a few days ago he already did a solo 300km ride).
  11. There used to be a great downhill skiing game (yeah, downhill only) but that's discontinued sadly and I can't find it anymore. Since there's snow in South America and Oceania, it'd be possible
  12. Can one play Minecraft for free? Some kids at the place where I study and work (there are students aged roughly between 15 and 30, so yeah ) keep pushing it all the time, but most people - including me - haven't started with it because we just don't really get what one can do apart from building stuff At least a shooter or strategy game or whatnot has the feel of some sort of competitiveness.
  13. I am now happy I didn't go to school there, that sounds even worse than maths and more senseless than the 'art classes' we had
  14. And most of them think that they've grown up in hard times, and when the others say they had hard times too, every generation counts with "no but for us it was real!".
  15. Because they make it sound like it is an American crisis. It is a worldwide crisis, they make it sound like "sure the world is having a tough time, but for us it's even harder!" They are like those people to whom you say something and they answer by taking your situation, turning it to theirs and increase how bad it is so they can still get enough attention. - "My friend died." - "Oh that sucks, only a month ago I had a friend die and my grandma and sister too."
  16. And what's with this Z? What comes next? What are media and generation-thinking people going to call the people born a year later? Gen AA, followed by AB and those born this year are roughly called Gen AP or something?
  17. Yeah there they go, thinking the world revolves around them and them only (as far as there is a 'they' when it's about these age-based samples they call 'generations').
  18. This sounds pretty interesting actually, I can't really think of much to add (for now).
  19. All I know about Minecraft apart from how to get wood is that you can dangle a carrot on a stick in front of a pig to make it run while you're on it. Is that an event?
  20. Meanwhile in the Netherlands: - Most precautions have been extended until 20 May, I guess we'll have another of these press conferences the week before that - All events that need a license will not happen until at least 1 September, which includes big international music festivals like Pinkpop, the world famous 'Four Day March' in Nijmegen (largest walking event in the world) and - as the prime minister stressed specifically - no professional football, so that discussion ended right then and there - Elementary schools will reopen on 11 May, the day after the end of a holiday, but partially: for example one day half the kids go, the other day the other half goes. Some more exceptions for all kinds of special education. - Children up to 12 years old will be allowed to start training in their sports again (all sports), same goes for children up to 18 years old but only for sports where they can keep 1,5 meters distance; for both categories, no official matches And besides that, the prime minister again stressed that people have always been and will remain to be allowed to do individual sports like running, because it's good for your health.
  21. Because for a much larger amount of people with an autism spectrum disorder, these rules are....freaking...heaven How much easier can it be than "stay x meters away from people" (which they/we love already anyway), for example? Plus it's pretty fun to see all kinds of people all stressed out because their plans are changing....guess what, that's what 'we' experience on an almost daily basis, stressing out because something changes.
  22. As for 'forum competitions': I have absolutely zero inspiration in terms of what we could do, but I'm down for whatever you guys come up with
  23. Well, we all know how serious we should take the IOC I'll listen to what actual experts such as @Dragon say.
  24. An actual Olympic medal though, rip-off events don't and shouldn't count as actual Olympic medals (much as I like the YOG)
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