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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. If I had a nickel for every time the commentator said: "Wall of noise is pushing the Koreans!"...
  2. Liiv secured the best Estonian speed skating result since 1928.
  3. Yay, Amazing match for them. Got really tired of OBS commentators favouritism towards the Canadians.
  4. Meh, I predicted victory for CZE, hoping to be the only one who'll see the secret connection in Czechoslovakian teams being the only ones able to defeat the Russians.
  5. "No! No! NEVER!" And Canada fails to take advantage.
  6. Swiss chanting "Hopp Suisse", much to @heywoodu's unapproval.
  7. At this point Switzerland is basically stealing Canada's lunch money.
  8. Though it's not like Medvedeva was that perfect. She lacked speed and ground cover in some of the jumps, and also artistry (but not as much as Zagitova ofc). Dick Button with some interesting inside tweets btw.
  9. It's because she has a scientific program, with all jumps in the second half to get extra points for distribution (yep, having all jumps in one half gives you more points for "distribution" ). Who cares for artistry if you can win it with math.
  10. Zagitova missed 3Lo after the first 3Lz, but then she added it later. Pretty sure this will be unbeatable. Ultimate backloading.
  11. Well, that's still a team sport. You can't really cheer for specific athletes.
  12. How annoying are these fans: "Russia! Russia!" This is figure skating for crying out loud, not hockey...
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