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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Well, women's Madison is no longer a fall fest, but we still very much have only 5-6 teams chasing points and everyone else just counting laps.
  2. Yeah, you are spot on here. For that reason I have been pretty much avoiding all her interviews for years now, and I stumbled onto this one quite by accident. I can remember another one from 2014. She had a total train wreck in Aachen, having made mistake after mistake after mistake. She still scored in mid 70s and finished 7th or something (lesser known rider would have scored 64% for such test). And then in the interview afterwards she said something like: "Nobody expected me to lose."
  3. Suriname qualified in cycling. qualified in boxing. qualified in table tennis.
  4. 16th place for Maloney Westgaard. Undoubtedly first ever WC points for Ireland.
  5. At age of 65, Mary Hanna set the new Australian Grand Prix Freestyle record with 80.145%. In doing so, she became the first rider, not only from Australia, but from the entire Southern hemisphere to break 80%.
  6. Friedrich breaks start record from 1996.
  7. Entry deadline is set for tomorrow (March 1st) at 23:55 CET (GMT +1). @konig @KingOfTheRhinos @vinipereira @titicow @catgamer @Glen @heywoodu @DaniSRB @amen09 @tuniscof
  8. Finally the time has come for the hosts to put forward their entry. This has been the longest deliberation for our jury yet. For a while we were even worried about missing the deadline. Initially we thought about having Zsa Zsa three-peat, but in the end we went for something quite different for this special ocassion. We chose Matija Cvek, who will perform "Nasloni se" ("Lean on"), together with our jazz protege Matija Dedić. Hope you enjoy our entry. Croatia Matija Cvek ft. Matija Dedić - Nasloni se Lyrics (in Croatian) Lyrics (in English)
  9. To be fair, it's not an entirely free quota they get. Presumably they also need to pass the weigh in.
  10. Why on earth should federation ask Germany to keep their tracks to themselves?? It's not like there is plenty to choose anyway. And besides, German domination is pretty much at the all-time low...
  11. Olympic channel. And please do watch Congo's match. Even commentators were pissed.
  12. At this point it should be very obvious that Coronavirus is here to stay. So thank you very much China.
  13. Stenberg guaranteed to become the first Norwegian track Olympian in a long while.
  14. Sad thing is - I can't decide what's worse. Ignorant TV director or 19th century Tissot timing or Coronavirus-infected Eurosport player?
  15. Here is something to worry about. The girlfirend of our first case had to be tested 3 (!) times before the test came back positive as expected...
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