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Everything posted by dcro

  1. There are many little things that pretty much confirm it though. From satellite images, to China confirming some suspicions (which is huge in this case), and stuff like Kim Jong-un missing from Kim Il-sung birthday celebrations...
  2. Apparently the satellite images are confirming that Kim Jong-un is (was) indeed at this summer residence or whatnot. Rumors about his death claim that the procedures took place right then and there.
  3. God help those poor surgeons now...
  4. One other thing, different disciplines can have different threads for this. Not like there are going to be many threads this year, and besides, I suppose that would help increase the hype around the event. TISC spin-off will have its separate thread at any rate.
  5. Team dressage Germany Denmark Great Britain Individual dressage Werth Schneider Dujardin Team eventing Australia Great Britain Japan Individual eventing Jung Canter Burton (Ugh, I hate these new spaces between the flags. Can't we just revert to old settings and live happily ever after?)
  6. For today I have another random MLB 2019 game, and later on a replay of the Kentucky Horse Trials cross-country (#BestWeekendAllYear).
  7. With statements like "This is the biggest scandal in history!!", it's as if this dude belongs on Totallympics.
  8. Hopefully at least some part of it, even with the knock-out system, can still be held in a live show format. Quarterfinals, semifinals and finals could be held during one afternoon/evening for example.
  9. TISC shows usually take up a whole day, so I'm gonna go with 'no'. Even if this special edition will likely use a different, and quite possibly shorter, format.
  10. And that's why you should work the schedule around it.
  11. Incidentally, this video is not receiving much love on the IMDb.
  12. I am thinking about where to put the TISC spin-off. Initially the first Saturday seemed ideal, but maybe it would be better to put on the middle Saturday as the centerpiece event?
  13. So the details about the lockdown lift-off have been announced... It all seems rather quick and shortsighted, so I'm quite sure they will revert back to lockdown in some departments, and soon... But basically... From April 27 - all stores open (except malls), public transport is back, libraries and museums open as well as training facilities for sportsmen and women. From May 4 - hospitals and private clinics open (at 100%!), hairdressers too From May 11 - gatherings of up to 10 people allowed, malls open, preschools and elementary schools open, hotels, caffes and restaurants as well (but only those with open terrace), National Parks and Nature Parks open, softer travel restrictions
  14. Yeah, figuring out a schedule of all this should be a lot of fun.
  15. Lovely first day in the Decameron. I am eager to see if I will indeed be able to hear all 100 stories in 10 consecutive days.
  16. Matt is losing his organization left, right and center. I guess he can now relate to AIBA losing its federation to IOC.
  17. Wait a minute... I distinctly remember you having 33,333 posts the other day. How come there are only 33,321 now?? Are we losing heywoodu legacy?
  18. So I chose The Decameron. This should be fun (and going by the start, even more fitting than I expected).
  19. Any suggestions for the audiobook? I don't feel like listening to something I've already seen in a movie, or something that I already read, or really the Plague by Camus since it apparently lasts more than 10 hours.
  20. Ideally a competition, but it can ben an exposition as well depending on entries.
  21. Apparently the lockdown in Croatia will be lifted in three phases, scheduled for April 27, May 4 and May 11. Details should be revealed tomorrow. However, if they plan to open hotels and cinemas on May 11, then they are completely out of their minds.
  22. One suggestion I remember someone mentioning is a photography contest. Although in that case we would definitely need two distinct categories, mobile photos and camera photos. Or maybe rather some subject categories (food, landscape, etc).
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