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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Talk about crazy Slovakian consistency. In 6 of the last 7 contests they earned between 56 and 64 points! They only stepped up when it really mattered (for the Jubilee). #8 TISC Annual 2017 Mária Čírová - Unikát 26th 56 pts #9 TISC Open 2017 Polemic - Komplikovaná 24th 58 pts #10 TISC Annual 2018 Peter Bič Project - Skúšame sa Nájst 14th 98 pts #11 TISC Open 2018 Elán - Amnestia Na Neveru 21st 60 pts #12 TISC Annual 2019 dip band - Iba Raz 25th 64 pts #13 TISC Open 2019 Hidden Road - S Hudbou Vesmírnou 25th 57 pts #14 TISC Annual 2020 Lukáš Adamec - Tancuj Mi 29th 56 pts
  2. I like the Festival of Music idea the most. It would be fun to have nations like Palau and Niger appearing on the scoreboard for a special edition. Further twists can include considerable shortening of the contest and having the users pick their nation in secret.
  3. According to Marat Safin, the coronavirus pandemic is a pretext for the mass microchip implanting into humans.
  4. Random fact: Very long songs (5:30+) generally tend to receive a lot of points, although they could just represent an outlier, since not that many lengthy songs have been entered in the past... Between the songs of the normal length, those with the duration of 3:30 through 4:00 minutes tend to receive the most points on average...
  5. Sorry, I forgot about this one. But I remembered a good comparison. Pronounciation of the letter "lj" is more-or-less the same as the Spanish pronounciation of "ll" (e.g. in David Villa).
  6. Here is it "Umri muški" = "Die like a man".
  7. To be fair, the "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" is more quotable, and indeed it gets quoted much.
  8. Yeah, but that's just mixing politics and sport, and not how the things go. I mean, Yugoslav Winter Olympic medals are quite clearly all Slovenian.
  9. I don't think that has much to do with how you look at them on the medal table.
  10. Funny story, one of my friends comes from Kraljevica, and today I had a weird discussion with him where I tried to explain how his tiny town ended up in an internet contest. Now I sort of know how @Werloc felt back in the day. Although my conversation thankfully wasn't nearly as awkward.
  11. Well, too each their own. That's why the scores are always so lovingly all over the place. Personally, I don't particularly care about the lyrics. Partly because even with translation something is always lost, so why bother? My top priorities are the general sound, the rhytm of course and certain "X-factor"...
  12. It's not just that. I loved the Swedish song even if didn't have any idea what she was saying. Same goes for Mexico, China, Denmark, Israel and Brazil who all received points. It's rather that I don't really enjoy it when the songs almost sound more like a speech.
  13. If someone is hungry for more of the Four Seasons (it's a playlist)...
  14. And the Netherlands managed to keep their perfect top 20 record with 19th place. Aside from Vietnam, now they are the only nation who never finished outside of the top 20.
  15. For me the Portuguese song was all about "words, more words, and more words". Similar to Argentina, which I liked more incidentally. But it was hard to get interested about those two anyway, not having a clue what they are talking about.
  16. I remember you being puzzled about Portugal having so much more points than Brazil early on. Litttle did you know that Brazil would easily finish ahead.
  17. Everyone except Hungary. I'm guessing Italy thought their flag was "too similar".
  18. Funny story, that's how I started hyping the Committee. I wondered if there are any "swing states" at TISC. On the first two editions this swing states theory worked perfectly.
  19. But is there any (post-90s) website which uses pitch-black text? Facebook, Twitter, Google, they all avoid mixing pure black and white, and for a good cause. Books too.
  20. Whatever happened to "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"?
  21. It's just a new theme, which has messed up every template from the TAISC 2020. And the text now appears to be all-black (#000000), instead of ever-so-slightly grey, which was much easier on the eyes... Flags are not in line with the text anymore either NED...
  22. One thing that I forgot to mention is that Australia and Israel are possibly the most tied entries in TISC history! - both finished on 75 points - both received points from the same number of juries (11) - same number of 12-point scores (1) - same number of 11-point scores (1) - same number of 10-point scores (1) - same number of 9-point scores (0) - same number of 8-point scores (2) - same number of 7-point scores (1) - Israel places 21st by virtue of having more 6-point scores (2 to 1)
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