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Everything posted by dcro

  1. I wonder if anyone knows of a list of athletes who got selected for the 1980 Olympics, but eventually never became Olympians due to the boycott?
  2. Come again, why does this Dunfee guy has such a big fanbase (on this forum in particular)?
  3. Well, that seems unnecessary. But then again, on second look I realize that 2003 Fair Hill competitions also didn't count for the medal table, so I guess that solves it.
  4. I managed to confirm that Canada won team and individual golds (Page 32), what leaves only the bronze medalists in mystery (and the composition of the Bermudan team).
  5. This is interesting. Bermuda has 9 medals from the Pan American Games, according to Wikipedia. However, it looks like they failed to count two (!) more medals Bermuda has apparently won in 1991. MJ Tumbridge won an individual silver in eventing and lead Bermudan team to a team silver as well. Granted, it's possible that confusion was created due to eventing competitions being held in Atlanta instead of Havana, but still, those competitoins still counted, so I guess Bermuda has 11 medals after all. I'm afraid it's impossible to find complete podiums of those two competitions though.
  6. Severo Jurado didn't feel like waiting and decided to leave Helgstrand Dressage and start his own business. This of course means he loses his ride on a rising shooting star and Tokyo 2020 hopeful Fiontini. Big blow for Spain, but possibly a boost for Denmark, depending who takes over Fiontini (if anyone for the time being).
  7. @heywoodu Do you know if Belgians always write the "Van" part of a name with capital "V"? I have stumbled onto several Belgian names with "Van" these days, and yet I seem to remember that Dutch always use "van".
  8. To no one's surprise, Tajikistan is exploding.
  9. Typical story of the last 10 years or so - Matej Vidović and Ida Štimac got removed from the Croatian ski team. Basically you can't stay in the Croatian team unless you have some strong personal connections with the corrupted leadership, or if you have some really good results (but even then the chance of staying on the team is like 50-50). But seriously, Vidović was recently the Europa Cup slalom champion and has been a regular part of the WC top 30 for the past three seasons. Ida Štimac is not even 20, but of course the leadership expected her to already be an international star, no doubt. CroSki is the federation I easily hate the most.
  10. Are we going to revisit the question about @Olympian1010 representing one of ? He has the nationality, technically, so I would be fine with it as long as there are some provisions. For example having to represent one territory for TBD editions before a new change is granted AND/OR having to miss 1 edition before being allowed to revert back to the US again. EDIT: It appears the current rules don't allow the Northern Marianas to compete, but the Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa are still up for grabs.
  11. To be fair, we are already talking about a whole period of minimum travel, so this nosedive on the graph is here to stay.
  12. We are back in the early 1950s...
  13. I wonder if it would be possible to recreate the original scoreboards and templates?
  14. Sure, you can give it a try. What are the odds of them ignoring the same question twice? But anyway, it is so annoying that I'll probably never get to rewatch the most exciting competitoin I've witnessed during the whole Rio 2016...
  15. So it seems like they decided to ignore my message altogether.
  16. Also they are the same federations whose disciplines lose all prestige as soon as they get removed from the Olympic program. And by prestige I mean any kind of international participation.
  17. Individual jumping Peder Fredricson some Belgian dude Martin Fuchs Team jumping United States Germany Netherlands
  18. Like I said some time before... Some federations are like those people who are desperately clinging to one thing they have in their life. And when that one thing goes to hell, then of course they have to follow the same path as well...
  19. Mexico 1968 - Derek Allhusen on Lochinvar Munich 1972 - Ludwig Gössing on Chicago
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