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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. I am not a fan of figure skating but Russia performance was amazing
  2. Fifth songs this year comes from Czech Republik. I like it, really nice song LAKE MALAWI - Friend of a Friend
  3. So many familiar names on MF this year. Nano, Wiktoria (my eternal love), Ana Bergendahl (my second eternal love), Margaret, Martin, Jon Henrik, Anton, Lisa, John Lundvik... dear Lord I know Swedish music scene better than Serbian lool
  4. Све је то мени јасно, али ни у хрватском савезу није ништа боља ситуација, тако да је Чефвар већ увелико навикао да ради у таквим околностима.Нама је потребно његово искуство и чврста рука
  5. Priča se da bi Lino Červar mogao da preuzme Srbiju. Ne znam kako bi navijači i javnost reagovali na to ali mislim da bi bio sposoban da od ove gomile luzera napravi bar pristojan tim
  6. Јуниорска хокејашка репрезентација Србије освојила је прво место и златну медаљу на Светском првенству У20 Дивизије 2Б у Загребу, остваривши убедљиве победе у свих пет утакмица (Мексико 6:1, Хрватска 4:1, Израел 5:0, Белгија 5:1 и Холандија 6:2). Не само да је то прво место изненађење само по себи, већ начин игре и потпуна доминација и контрола у свих пет утакмица. Селектор из Канаде је одрадио одличан скаутинг, феноменално поставио тактику за сваку утакмицу и дефинитивно имамо тим који у будућности може заиата много.
  7. Uhhh fight for medal will be huge challenge. Romania, Great Britain, Lithuania and Japan are much stronger rivals than Netherlands or Croatia, but everything is possible in sport. If we stay on this way even Division I is not that far
  8. This was probably the best tournament in our modern ice hockey history. It's seems there is some hope for our hockey
  9. 3 - 1, Serbia leads after 30 minutes Edit: It's 4 to 2. Serbia leads after second period
  10. Saturday January 19th, 2019 - Round-Robin Day 4 Results 13:00 Belgium 1 - 5 Serbia 16:30 Israel 3 - 7 Netherlands 20:00 Mexico 0 - 3 Croatia Provisional standing after Day 4 1. 12 points ------------------------------------ 2. 9 points 3. 9 points 4. 3 points 5. 3 points ------------------------------------ 6. 0 points
  11. Friday January 18th, 2019 - Round-Robin Day 3 Results (GMT +1) 13:00 Netherlands 7 - 2 Mexico 16:30 Serbia 5 - 0 Israel 20:00 Croatia 5 - 4 Belgium Provisional standing after Day 3 1. 9 points ------------------------------------ 2. 6 points 3. 6 points 4. 3 points 5. 3 points ------------------------------------ 6. 0 points
  12. OMG, what an important win for our guys. Still can't believe we won game against Croatia in the middle of Croatia.
  13. Nije da sam išta očekivao od rukometaša, ali brate mi smo stvarno pali u rang Bahreina, Kuvajta, Argentine
  14. And she won Albanian preselection, so this is the first known song for Tel Aviv. And some news about Serbia. As I know girl band Hurricane (Sanja Vučić, Ivana Nikolić, Ksenija Knezević) and Jovana Nikolić are two almost confirmed entrants for our Preselection. And its Tamta for (Georgian born Greek singer)
  15. [hide] Preliminary Round November 29th - December 5th, 2018 16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Main Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 30th 2018, h. 18:00 Denmark 3 Sweden November 30th 2018, h. 21:00 Serbia 1 Poland December 2nd 2018, h. 15:00 Poland 2 Denmark December 2nd 2018, h. 18:00 Sweden 0 Serbia December 4th 2018, h. 18:00 Sweden 4 Poland December 4th 2018, h. 21:00 Denmark 5 Serbia Group B Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 November 29th 2018, h. 18:00 France 2 Russia November 30th 2018, h. 21:00 Montenegro 1 Slovenia December 2nd 2018, h. 15:00 Slovenia 5 France December 2nd 2018, h. 18:00 Russia 1 Montenegro December 4th 2018, h. 18:00 Russia 2 Slovenia December 4th 2018, h. 21:00 France 0 Montenegro Group C Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 December 1st 2018, h. 15:00 Hungary 1 Netherlands December 1st 2018, h. 18:00 Spain 4 Croatia December 3rd 2018, h. 18:00 Croatia 3 Hungary December 3rd 2018, h. 21:00 Netherlands 2 Spain December 5th 2018, h. 18:00 Netherlands 3 Croatia December 5th 2018, h. 21:00 Hungary 1 Spain Group D Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 December 1st 2018, h. 15:00 Norway 4 Germany December 1st 2018, h. 18:00 Romania 5 Czech Republic December 3rd 2018, h. 18:00 Czech Republic 6 Norway December 3rd 2018, h. 21:00 Germany 2 Romania December 5th 2018, h. 18:00 Germany 3 Czech Republic December 5th 2018, h. 21:00 Norway 4 Romania [/hide]
  16. Србија се кандидује зе фудбалски Евро и Мундијал. Баш нестварно звучи. Било би одлично наравно да се то и деси на крају
  17. Interesting map of European countries
  18. Pa da su ovi iz RSS tako razmisljali ne bi ga nikada ni postavili za selektora.
  19. Rukometni savez je bas nedodirljiv kad je rec o biserima. Mada u stopu ih prate Fudbalski i Veslacki
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