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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. What are you talking about? Our male handball is dead for decades and no one expect anything from them. Even we don't qualify in male volleyball we are still European champions. And BTW, so far we qualify in 2 team sports, both basketball teams are in very good position do the same, plus girls have a good chance for qualification in handball. And ofc 3x3 basket team is in too
  2. Jeste vi stvarno očekivali nešto od njih? Naš muški rukomet je odavno na nivou da je i sam plasman na neko takmičenje uspeh. Oni ovde možda mogu da izvuku neku pobedu protiv CG i to je to. A na celom prvenstvu jedina ekipa koja je lošija od nas je vrv Letonija. BTW izašao je spisak i za Beoviziju, ako nekoga uopšte zanima. Između ostalih na listi su Neda Ukraden, Bane Mojićević, grupa Hariken (cure su preseksi i odlično pevaju), Ivana Jordan, Ana Milenković, Andrija Jo, Thea Davy, Ivan Kurtić... U svakom slučaju zanimljiv spisak
  3. Srećan rođendan Srpska Republiko
  4. Реално гледано Шпанија је била наша главна шанса за опстанак у овој дивизији. У преостале три утакмице тешко да можемо ишта урадити јер су то ипак много квалитетнији ривали и стварно би била сензација и бод да узмемо. Тако да.... А за одбојкаше сад већ стрепим, Бугари играју стварно добро
  5. It was expected at the end. Romania is much much better team,and that is the reason why I was shocked after first third.
  6. Jeste bruka ali realno je da Francuzi igraju u finalu, tako da je bolje da smo izgubili sada. Ja i dalje verujem da možemo do kvote
  7. [hide] Preliminary Round January 9th - January 15th, 2020 24 Nations, 6 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Main Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 9th 2020, h. 18:15 Croatia 5 Montenegro January 9th 2020, h. 20:30 Belarus 1 Serbia January 11th 2020, h. 16:00 Montenegro 2 Serbia January 11th 2020, h. 18:15 Croatia 7 Belarus January 13th 2020, h. 18:15 Serbia 4 Croatia January 13th 2020, h. 20:30 Montenegro 2 Belarus Group B Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 10th 2020, h. 18:15 Czech Republic 2 Austria January 10th 2020, h. 20:30 North Macedonia 7 Ukraine January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Austria 5 Ukraine January 12th 2020, h. 18:15 Czech Republic 2 North Macedonia January 14th 2020, h. 18:15 Ukraine 7 Czech Republic January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Austria 3 North Macedonia Group C Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 9th 2020, h. 18:15 Spain 15 Latvia January 9th 2020, h. 20:30 Germany 9 Netherlands January 11th 2020, h. 16:00 Latvia 5 Netherlands January 11th 2020, h. 18:15 Spain 3 Germany January 13th 2020, h. 18:15 Netherlands 12 Spain January 13th 2020, h. 20:30 Latvia 10 Germany Group D Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 10th 2020, h. 18:15 France 13 Portugal January 10th 2020, h. 20:30 Norway 6 Bosnia and Herz. January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Portugal 4 Bosnia and Herz. January 12th 2020, h. 18:15 France 0 Norway January 14th 2020, h. 18:15 Bosnia and Herz. 8 France January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Portugal 6 Norway Group E Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 11th 2020, h. 16:00 Denmark 5 Iceland January 11th 2020, h. 18:15 Hungary 3 Russia January 13th 2020, h. 18:15 Iceland 2 Russia January 13th 2020, h. 20:30 Denmark 3 Hungary January 15th 2020, h. 18:15 Russia 2 Denmark January 15th 2020, h. 20:30 Iceland 3 Hungary Group F Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 10th 2020, h. 18:15 Sweden 5 Switzerland January 10th 2020, h. 20:30 Slovenia 2 Poland January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Switzerland 1 Poland January 12th 2020, h. 18:15 Sweden 3 Slovenia January 14th 2020, h. 18:15 Poland 2 Sweden January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Switzerland 5 Slovenia [/hide]
  8. [hide] Women's Tournament - Preliminary Round January 12th - January 19th, 2020 12 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quarterfinals Group A Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 12th 2020, h. 11:30 Slovakia 12 Russia January 12th 2020, h. 13:00 Greece 7 Serbia January 12th 2020, h. 19:00 Hungary 14 Croatia January 13th 2020, h. 13:00 Croatia 10 Greece January 13th 2020, h. 14:30 Russia 6 Serbia January 13th 2020, h. 19:00 Slovakia 17 Hungary January 15th 2020, h. 14:30 Greece 13 Slovakia January 15th 2020, h. 16:00 Serbia 4 Croatia January 15th 2020, h. 19:00 Hungary 5 Russia January 17th 2020, h. 14:30 Russia 18 Croatia January 17th 2020, h. 17:30 Slovakia 6 Serbia January 17th 2020, h. 19:00 Hungary 4 Greece January 19th 2020, h. 13:00 Slovakia 1 Croatia January 19th 2020, h. 17:30 Greece 3 Russia January 19th 2020, h. 19:00 Serbia 12 Hungary Group B Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 12th 2020, h. 14:30 France 10 Spain January 12th 2020, h. 16:00 Germany 4 Italy January 12th 2020, h. 17:30 Netherlands 12 Israel January 13th 2020, h. 11:30 Germany 9 Netherlands January 13th 2020, h. 16:00 Israel 12 France January 13th 2020, h. 17:30 Italy 2 Spain January 15th 2020, h. 11:30 France 6 Germany January 15th 2020, h. 13:00 Spain 18 Israel January 15th 2020, h. 17:30 Netherlands 4 Italy January 17th 2020, h. 11:30 Germany 12 Spain January 17th 2020, h. 13:00 Netherlands 8 France January 17th 2020, h. 16:00 Italy 16 Israel January 19th 2020, h. 11:30 France 9 Italy January 19th 2020, h. 14:30 Germany 9 Israel January 19th 2020, h. 16:00 Spain 2 Netherlands Men's Tournament - Preliminary Round January 14th - January 18th, 2020 16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quarterfinals, the 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Round of 16 Group A Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 14th 2020, h. 11:30 Slovakia 8 Montenegro January 14th 2020, h. 14:30 Germany 4 Croatia January 16th 2020, h. 10:00 Germany 2 Slovakia January 16th 2020, h. 20:30 Montenegro 1 Croatia January 18th 2020, h. 16:00 Slovakia 7 Croatia January 18th 2020, h. 17:30 Germany 3 Montenegro Group B Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 14th 2020, h. 10:00 Romania 1 Netherlands January 14th 2020, h. 17:30 Serbia 7 Russia January 16th 2020, h. 13:00 Romania 5 Serbia January 16th 2020, h. 14:30 Russia 4 Netherlands January 18th 2020, h. 11:30 Romania 2 Russia January 18th 2020, h. 20:30 Serbia 12 Netherlands Group C Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 14th 2020, h. 13:00 Malta 16 Spain January 14th 2020, h. 19:00 Turkey 15 Hungary January 16th 2020, h. 11:30 Malta 2 Turkey January 16th 2020, h. 19:00 Hungary 3 Spain January 18th 2020, h. 10:00 Turkey 12 Spain January 18th 2020, h. 19:00 Malta 20 Hungary Group D Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 January 14th 2020, h. 16:00 France 2 Georgia January 14th 2020, h. 20:30 Italy 5 Greece January 16th 2020, h. 16:00 Greece 13 Georgia January 16th 2020, h. 17:30 France 9 Italy January 18th 2020, h. 13:00 France 6 Greece January 18th 2020, h. 14:30 Italy 12 Georgia [/hide]
  9. US on their way for starting another war, get ready Iran and don't be mad, this is for your own health
  10. Srećna svima Nova godina i dabogda u Tokiju osvojili 15 medalja (od čega 3 bronze)
  11. Čeprkalo pliva za BH, ali pošto je iz RS ne bi me čudilo da je zamenio sportsko državljanstvo. Samo ne znam da li bi imao pravo nastupa na OI pošto je plivao za BH na ovogodišnjem SP
  12. Ja nisam mislio da možemo do tih kvalifikacija i ovo je baš prijatno iznenađenje. A što se kvalifikacija tiče nama je nebitno da li ćemo biti peti ili šesti ukoliko Švedska pobedi Nemačku. Ko god da nam bude protivnik iz prve grupe (dakle Holandija ili Španija) teško da možemo išta da uradimo na njihovom terenu. Ali su zato Mađarska i Rumunija ekipe sa kojima se mogu nositi i od kojih su trenutno bolje. Biće zanimljivo gledati taj meč sa Crnogorkama u slučaju da Šveđanke pre nas izgube, mislim da će oba tima forsirati poraz
  13. [hide] Knockout RoundDecember 13th - December 15th, 2019 4 Nations, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 December 11th 2019, h. 17:30 Norway 3 Spain December 11th 2019, h. 20:30 Russia 5 Netherlands [/hide]
  14. Nobody here said that Russians are angels, they have huge problem with doping, but blame entire country for that? It's not fair for all clear athletes from Russia who can't compete under their own flag. United States, China and Russia completely destroy world sport with their insane race for global dominance
  15. Yeah of course. Every word said from Russian side is propaganda and every idea come from US and their puppies is the best possible and only valid options. Putin who invaded Ukraine is dictator and Doctor Evil, Obama who bombed Libya and Siriya is Nobel Peace Laureate. That is how modern democratic world live today. How is possible that USADA knows nothing about about their own athletes doped for years, like Marion Jones, L. Armstrong , Tyson Gay. How is possible that one man can swim 10 races in one day and won on 9. Is M. Phellps human or machine? Kenyan athleets run like they eat gasoline.... Qatar buy athleets and medals on daily level... Ian Thorp, Australian wonderman decide to finish his careere after speculations about doping. Than fairytales about Dr Salazar, Chinese super super humans... Yeah, Russia is the only problem. Bad Russia, bad bad
  16. IIHF made some changes in World Championships in lower divisions and new competition is Division IV consist of 4 teams from Asia - Philippines, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan and Kuwait (host city is Bishkek, Kyrgyz capital. Division III is separated on 2 groups
  17. Mislim da šanse za polufinale ne postoje, izgubile su i od Norveške i od Holandije i samim tim su u direktnom duelu sa njima u minusu. I to četvrto mesto će biti jako teško ostvariti. A i ako budemo četrvrti u grupi, treba nam još jedna pobeda u borbi za sedmo mesto. A protivnici su Crna Gora/Švedska/Španija. I biće baš pakleno teško. A ako uspeju i budu sedme to će faktički značiti i direktan plasman na OI jer bi igrale u grupi 1 sa drugim sa ovog prvenstva, Argentinom i Tunisom.
  18. Sa 4 boda mogu biti i 5. i 3. u grupi, ne zavisi sve od njih
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