Sad to see there seems to be no preperation by the star sports for the olympics I am not seeing any change / Link in the website so I am not happy
Yesterday ...Did a check on trying live stream videos for the Olympics as the womens football matches were on ( this was test for me as I am not planning to use TV at all and only use live streams )
1. Live TV - Does not need any DNS /VPN options .../gave a lot of links with different languages and quality is OK but not fantastic ......Try this link out ....this seems to be a good default option for live streaming for Rio ..was able to see the live stream from NBC which had good english commentary , they do not have any specific arrangements for rio so at times you will have to search your event
2. CBC - Canadian broadcasting corporation - This is a truly excellent free to air channel was able to see the game / the video takes some time to load and video quality was good would need a geoblocking software like hola ...I did it using hola and quality was good. what I loved was they seem to be having a lot of video of older events which can be watched - which is not available on other sites
3. Cricfree - This site has live streaming video of all major streams ...only slight issue was some cluttering ads and did seem to call in some popups ...but if you maniacially clear all ads before they start playing it seems to work you can pick and chose the channel , I did not find a clear resize button so the video was showing in a small screen and could not resize it ...but the advantage seems to be you can really pick and choose the channels and they also seem to have seperate button specifically to for Rio ( but the button is not working now maybe will work from today ?)
4. BBC - Open to air ... very good quality of video and great commentary in english ...probably may become my default site need a VPN or DNS option to watch ..I use hola and got good results . also has a great sub portal just for the olympics
5. Sky TV - NZ - seems to require a seperate password so could not get through. I presume this channel is not free to air ( by the way if someone really wants to get the NZ point of view - cricfree seems to have the
6. Seven ( aus ) - official Australian free to air , could not get through live streaming but could see old videos
7. NBC - requires a password but possibly you can watch a slightly poor mans version on cricfree
some surprises - did not find anything on youtube which was really sad ..............did not find anything on sportstream ( not sure why ) and also on batman stream may be I was missing out something
guys if you have any more suggestions please add ( By the way i did not look at non english options - so I am sure there are many of them )