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  1. Unveliable what just happend in the spanish selection gala, there was a tie at points between the public's favorite and the jury's favorites; the jury has to broke the tie so they decided their favorite, Manel, was the winner. The audience in the studio just go crazy booing and there are reports that they have assaulted and attacked one of the jurys in his way out
  2. I think Spain is not sending a team to this Universiade, sadly.
  3. Well, tecnically it was mixed gender last games I hope a Non-Olympics Events European Championship, with Half Marathon, 10K, Mille, 100k....
  4. The should have added BMX freestyle and not skateboarding
  5. Women's Madison in track cycling started this year and I'm pretty sure they're goingo to have an impresive line up if they add it to the Olympic program.
  6. But everything needs to be with a plan. Maybe in 10 years we can had an inpresive level of male rhytmic gimnasts and in that moment we can talk about Olympics. You can't do it without having a proper level, and that's what I feel some federations are triying.
  7. Well, I'm totally into mixed sailing (since it has 0 effect on the race itself), and mixed synchronized swimming, it's more awesome. And also into athletic mixed rellays, they're more extrategic (but I don't want them into Olympics, they're cute at Rellay World Championships and that's all)
  8. There's sport where matching the program between men and women is natural, because the level is high. Adding the C1 Women's slalom just for equality is stupid, not only for the obvious lack of high level, but because the cut of the C2 men's event. And that's only one example. However, I would love to see the men's boxing cut to add more weigth's to the women. That's so universal I really feel like a joke only 3 woman category's....
  9. Spainsh former high level combined events coach Miguel Ángel Millan has been arrested for child abuse. One of his former athletes said he was abused by him at the age of 13/14, five years ago. Other five athletes have been reported they declared were abused by him too. Todday has been known that Antonio Peñalver, who has silver medallist in Decathlon in Barcelona 92 and coached by this guy, has declared that he was abused by him too, but he can't sue him because they were 30 years ago.
  10. One thing that pisses me of a lot is the fact that there are no tripartite invitationals for the Winter Olympics, when some nations could really use them. I remember specially a Bahamas snowboarder from Sochi who was not far from clasification. Then in summer olympics it's like a free pass for no level athletes.....
  11. Thanks so much!! Well, I hope Victoria Padial could get one of those 6 last quotas...
  12. ¿How many places are available?
  13. Well, I don't mind team events at all, if the make a relay or at least minimun sense, witch the judo one doesn't make any of them.
  14. The only thing I don't like about it is the format, the woman-men-woman-men schedule, it should be free to decide, so strategic will be more important.
  15. Seems like Triathlon is going to add a mixed rellay event, acording to Marisol Casado, head of ITU
  16. The women's handball Spain-France matches are starting to get a really anxious way, kinda heartbreaking
  17. What about the ice dancer from United Arab Emirates?? Does she have chances?
  18. We send a big team too: W: Mireia Belmonte, Jessica Valls M: Miguel Ortiz-Cañavete, Joan Lluis Pons
  19. Both spanish olympic medallists Ruth Beitia and Orlando Ortega said they want to be there.
  20. But the fact that some sport are inexisting is sad, and that's what I'm jelaous about. I personally don't care about the medals too much, but it's about time to win a winter games medal; since the times of the Fernandez-Ochoa sibilings we haven't.
  21. Team Size prediction for Winter Olympic Games 2018 PyeongChang Ski Sports Alpine Skiing (3) - With our best skiers retiring last year, the young team's best case scenario would be one woman and two men to qualify, que can't ask for more. Cross Country Skiing (1) - Also Laura Orgue, our best skier, retired when Sochi ended, I don't think there's another girl out there compiting. So a men should have an "easy" way to qualify. Ski Jumping (-) - Does not exist here, sadly. And doesn't look like the federation is looking to improve it. They let our former training instalations to get old, and know they can't be used, they're pretty much in ruins. I don't think we are going to be present in that sport, at least for the next 30 years. Nordic Combined (-) - Same thing. Freestyle Skiing (1) - Well, I'm confident in this one. I don't know what Katia Griffits is up to, maybe she retired, no idea. But we have young boys around that are doing good work. For the first time ever, the federation is funding some guys; and the fact that the World Championships are in Spain this year is motivating them a lot, so I hope it works for at least one of them. Snowboarding (6) - Yep, I'm maybe going all over the place with this one, but our three men in cross, Queralt Casteller, Maria Hidalgo and Josito Aragon, I saw all of them with chances. Biathlon (1) - I only see Victoria Padial getting in, no chances for men. Skating Sports Speed Skating (1) - We have a men who's doing good, and that's all. Short Track Speed Skating (-) - Well, 2016 is the first time Spain had national championships in this sport, we have a long way to go. Figure Skating (5) - I still see Javier Fernandez as World Champ this year, so that would give three men's quotas. Also, I think that a dance quota would be easy, even with our best couple (Sara and Adria) spliting last year. Sadly, I don't see any women getting a place, and that's bad because a women would qualify Spain for the Team Event too. Sleigh Sports Luge (-) - Not existing sport. Skeleton (1) - Mirambell should be back. Sadly I don't see our girl getting a place, but we'll see about that. Bobsleigh (-) - Well, we have a girl duo fighting for it, but I don't know, I'm not positive about that, since the federation doesn't look like they're working on them much.... Team Sports Curling (-) - Coming from medallist in Mixed Curling in 2013 I think, it's sad were we are know. No chance at all. Ice Hockey (-) - Well, we have no chance now, and that's kinda enbarrasing. Total Optimistic Prediction - (28) Total Pessimistic Prediction - (16) Total Realistic Prediction - (20)
  22. And still it makes more sense than Portugal.
  23. I don't think so, we don't hate each other that much.
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