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Vic Liu

Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Vic Liu

  1. China Jiang Huihua is out but Hou Zhihui is still not sure for Olympics yet.
  2. china INDONESIA 12 ITALY 11 CANADA 10 SLOVAKIA 9 GREECE 8 ISRAEL 7 FRANCE 6 INDIA 5 IRELAND 4 MOLDOVA 3 NORWAY 2 UNITED STATES 1 Goodbye from jury in National language 谢谢大家!谢谢rybak的辛勤付出!我们奥运再见! English Translation of Goodbye Thanks everyone! Thanks for @rybak's work! Let's meet in Olympics again!
  4. china Greeting from jury in National language 大家好!希望大家今天玩的开心。 English Translation of Greeting Hello everyone! Hope you guys have fun today. CANADA 10 SLOVAKIA 9 GREECE 8 ISRAEL 7 FRANCE 6 INDIA 5 IRELAND 4 MOLDOVA 3 NORWAY 2 UNITED STATES 1
  5. Finally we have scores. Thanks Italy and @Henry_Leon
  6. He is quite competitive this year and his attactive playing is attractive for spectators. He just need to be a little more smart to save some strength. He is my new like this year though Nadal is still no.1 for me.
  7. They don't know at all. Since BTF takeover the qualification process, no one thought AIBA events are important. China sent an almost amateur team to 2019 WCH which means it's impossible for a boxer attended both 2017 WCH and 2019 WCH. The worst part is not ranking system, the worst part is that every other sport is resuming qualifiers but BTF just cancel them easily, not postponement not relocation, just cancelation. It doesn't recognize the effort boxers made during past two years. It just want to fill in the entry form with some random names and it gets job done.
  8. She just want to give hope to Dalaoyan. We all want him to keep faith and not being depressed during this period. Hope he recover soon.
  9. Because Russia already sealed off Kerch Straight while Ukrainian warship blocked as hostage in Sea of Azov. I gotta say Russia is still doing better than China in terms of threatening US back.
  10. Top 10 in each heat + 6 best remaining scores
  11. Russian Arthur Dalaoyan Achilles tendon tear during training with expected recovery for 3 months.
  12. This ranking is very stupid. Attention! Not just by ranking, it also requires attending at least 2 AIBA events. China lost one quota because she just attended one event but ranking no.1 in Asia.
  13. BTF is much worse than AIBA. Worst organization ever. They may decide the Olympic medal by tossing a coin.
  14. There is no official national trial before. It’s the coming Asian Champions seen as national trial.
  15. Apparently enough, it loves USA and hate Russia like Voldemort who can't be mentioned.
  16. China announced the list and claimed it's seen as an important national trial. Women Huang Ting and Men Feng Lyudong are out. @MHSN
  17. It's quite consistent to my prediction. Mine is 89 medals and 36 golds. It predicts 85 medals and 38 golds. I really wanna know the breakdown of the table.
  18. 100 days to go! Almost all remaining qualifiers resumed and the torch is relaying. Olympic is literally coming!
  19. Apparently, human rights fighter literally did something, expressing support.
  20. UK report Sinovac: “doesn’t work at all” China report Sinovac: it doesn't promise 90%+ effective but still prevent severe symptoms and deaths" UK report Astrazenca: works, but has side effects that are only noticeable after a million doses China report Asteazenca: The side effects caused deadly blood clots and some irresponsible government still promote the vaccine while others halted it"
  21. There's a also a difference between" it doesn't promise 90%+ effective but still prevent severe symptoms and deaths" and " The side effects caused deadly blood clots and some irresponsible government still promote the vaccine while others halted it" See the beauty of different angle to report the same thing?
  22. I know. The time line can't be exactly aligned. We are busy reporting some other negative now.
  23. while the west report China’s vaccine not effective and China report AstraZeneca causes terrible blood clot and emphasize other side effects. You can’t say they are fake news but definitely the media won’t offer the whole picture for you. Each media has its own position and angle. And we just receive what I would like to receive.
  24. China Archery - 2 Artistic Swimming - 2 Athletics - 8 (2 Gold) Badminton - 6 (1 Gold) Basket 3x3 - 1 Boxing - 3 (1 Gold) Canoeing Sprint - 3 (1 Gold) Cycling Track - 1 Diving - 10 (7 Gold) Fencing - 1 (1 Gold) Gymnastics Artistic - 8 (3 Gold) Gymnastics Trampoline - 3 (1 Gold) Karaté - 2 (1 Gold) Rowing - 3 (1 Gold) Sailing - 1 Shooting - 5 (2 Gold) Swimming - 8 (2 Gold) Swimming Marathon - 1 Table Tenis - 7 (5 Gold) Taekwondo - 3 (1 Gold) Volleyball - 1 (1 Gold) Weightlifting - 8 (7 Gold) Wrestling - 2 Total 89 (ranging 80-98) Gold 36 (ranging 32-40)
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