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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. @dezbee2008 song picking taste and @dezbee2008 voting taste are two very different animals though Every single time where I thought a song from LTU could get a point from Dezbee, because it's somewhat similar to what USA sends, I always end up with the 0
  2. Yes, the open contest is songs from 5 years ago and older. You have years and years of history to choose from.
  3. If @justony decides to miss the contest after so many years of participating, I remember @mihamiha being in the Slovenian team in the very early days.
  4. Don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but did the Chinese song come out 5 years ago?
  5. Just another day of "Riptide" overshadowing songs like "Mess Is Mine". "First Time", "Georgia", "Red Eye"
  6. In my honest opinion, a song mash up is not a good idea for the contest, unless it's a stylistic decision made by the artist himself/herself, like, for example, there are some albums that have double songs as the final track of the album. Other than that, I think making our own mixes would impact the song contest negatively and it would also be a re-invention of the music that has been done 'right now' opposed to the 'released 5 years ago' as the rules state.
  7. Is this the part where Fun. becomes the Kensington of the United States?
  8. Over the years, I think I did a pretty decent job of representing Lithuanian music. The best Lithuanian artists, the artists that I loved from my childhood, the variety of styles ranging from jazz, to pop, to that song that @Wanderer really liked. Anyways, throw all of it out the window, because this year we're sending something that not many users here would expect from me. I feel a little bit left out, every country having their selection process whilst I already decided on my song during the final of the Annual TISC without really looking for other options. Although I chose a lot of popular artists over the years, I don't think I've ever selected a song that made said artist famous, so this is very different for me now, since this is the success story of the band Happyendless, that were topping the charts during MTVs glory days. I introduce to you the Baltic bop back from the days when we didn't understand how English works, but it's a bop nonetheless. This will go either really bad or really great LITHUANIA Happyendless - Power Forever Edit: I literally used to wake up to this every morning on MTV Baltic trying to convince myself to stay in bed and not go to school.
  9. This quicker way of conducting the contest might leave us with less participants overall to what we're used to
  10. It probably hasn't, but I've definitely heard it no less than fifty times at least
  11. It feels as if this song has already participated in TISC, yet it can also be the fact that this song was constantly blasted around me when I was a child
  12. Just came back from Copenhagen this morning. I saw a lot of posters for Michael Buble on October 26th and nothing regarding TISC
  13. Can you feel the TISC vibes in the air starting to form since it's already Autumn?
  14. I wonder if Laura Asadauskaitė would be able to blow away everyone with a hat trick (ECH and WCF already hers). She hasn't medalled in the World Championships since her gold in 2013. The majority of her recent titles were coming from European Championships and World cups, it would be nice if she won at least a bronze, especially since it's not certain if she is going to continue after the Olympics.
  15. These qualifications were so triggering I'm used to constantly worrying for Lithuanians in A finals. It was a very weird feeling to see them struggling so hard in B.
  16. It's pretty sad to see Lithuanian rowing and canoeing sprint crash and burn so hard in 2019. So many missed quotas and our multi-medalists in world championships and European championships are going to settle for a fight in the B finals and it's not even too clear if they'll avoid the 12th spot.
  17. Well, all of our boats qualified to semi-finals, so that's a start in the right direction, I guess We're expecting qualification in four disciplines and a medal is also a capability.
  18. Well, it seems that this following season is going to be the exact same as the previous 4-5 years of Lithuanian biathlon
  19. Well, couldn't take a better combination than Laura winning gold and Venčkauskaitė clinging onto an Olympic quota.
  20. We used 12 officials all armed with rulers and a bachelor's degree in math to determine that Ireland most likely ran faster than Hungary.
  21. The one where several Hungarians armed with baseball bats smash during the race when they see that Ireland is edging them out
  22. Nah, I refuse to make any assumptions until I see that 1/5 of our team isn't out with injuries in two years
  23. In order to avoid any immediate heartbreak, the relay results are going to be announced in two years time.
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