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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Your internal selection is probably just a ball pit containing 1000 balls representing all of the amazing artists that you can send into this competition, yet completely managing to ignore most of my favourite Irish artists
  2. Which means that statistically you never vote for them, because half of the winners were Ireland anyways
  3. Ireland 12 - Logic: Netherlands. Heart: Probably Chile or something.
  4. I honestly thought I'd be unique with my bronze medal, boy was I wrong.
  5. Relatable. Although I don't immediately throw them in the trash, I've made a system that is very rewarding for 'grower' songs. There is a lot of music that starts working only after a couple of listens, because you can't appreciate every detail at once. But, I've been doing this for many years so there are songs that I immediately can identify as non-contenders for my personal list. As for countries with diversity, New Zealand is really awesome and we have @Wanderer to thank for that. Even if something doesn't score points, they've never sent a song that was bad. Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil are some of my favourites as well. Ireland, Australia and Norway most often picks something that I enjoy. Croatia and Slovenia also became consistent contenders in my rankings. I was throwing all of my points towards Italy in the first four contests, but then they changed up their style of picks quite drastically, though they were close top my top 12 this year.
  6. The problem that we're going to face next year is distinguishing ourselves from Eurovision, because The Netherlands just frikkin' decided to win both.
  7. Well, it's about time. They definitely could've won before with some other songs as well.
  8. The biggest problem for me is when the songs don't distinguish themselves between each other, which often happens with a lot of middle of the pack songs, where you hear that they have quality, but the level of quality is exactly the same as 7 other songs.
  9. I don't know if it'll make you feel better, but your song fought for a point till the very end, but ended finishing in 14th on my ranking.
  10. Welcome to the mistake club I would've wanted to send some Jazz for the 37th place, but decided to aim for top 10 with an established Lithuanian hit
  11. Do you also spend the evenings crying yourself to sleep, because you don't know what to do between 8th and 16th after 6 listens?
  12. I used to get some good points from Brazil quite often, but I think I might have scared them with our choice this year.
  13. Or you can choose something like Varsovie again, my all time favourite Polish entry.
  14. Of course they did. The track is supposed to be round, but they always find a way to go downhill.
  15. How are our girls doing in the sprint? Because all that I'm getting is a late evening article at best.
  16. I don't know how accurate I am on this, but I think that even in our worst years, we've managed to score a 12 from someone and this feels like the year where the streak is going to end. Somehow, I just have this feeling
  17. I won't. Because statistically you and Brazil send the most music that I like
  18. You just wanted those four points, you're back to memes now that it's done and dusted.
  19. Ok guys, remember this whole missing Azerbaijan thing??? BRING BACK MOROCCO Literally voted for their awesome music every edition except once.
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